Iodine Deficiency Disorders Symptoms (Complications) | Health | Sehatnama- 188 crore people are not getting enough iodine: 20 crore people in India are at risk of IDD, how to overcome iodine deficiency

Iodine Deficiency Disorders Symptoms (Complications) | Health | Sehatnama- 188 crore people are not getting enough iodine: 20 crore people in India are at risk of IDD, how to overcome iodine deficiency
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16 minutes agoAuthor: Gaurav Tiwari

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World Health Organization (WHO) According to the WHO, about 188 crore people in the world are not getting enough iodine in their diet. These also include 24.1 crore school children. All of these people are at risk of iodine deficiency disorder (IDD). This can cause problems like goiter and hypothyroidism.

According to the Salt Commissioner Office of India, more than 20 crore people of the country are at risk of iodine deficiency disorder. More than 7 crore people are suffering from goiter and other disorders caused by iodine deficiency.

Iodine is a trace mineral, that is, a mineral that the body needs in very small quantities. Despite this, it plays an important role in keeping our body healthy. Iodine deficiency may increase the risk of IDD. When this happens, the body gives signals like mood swings and irritability. It is important to recognize these.

so today ‘medical certificate‘I will talk about iodine. You will also learn that-

  • What symptoms are seen when it is deficient?
  • What complications can occur due to iodine deficiency?
  • How can we protect ourselves from this?

Can symptoms of goiter increase in winter?

Winter has nothing to do with iodine deficiency, but symptoms of iodine deficiency diseases may increase in this season. In fact, increasing cold affects the function of the thyroid gland, due to which the symptoms of goiter can become severe.

How to identify iodine deficiency

Endochronologist Dr. Saket Kant says that our body gives some signals for help in every difficulty. Many times we are not able to recognize them or these symptoms are so common that we ignore them. In such cases the problem becomes bigger. Then treatment becomes more difficult.

If these signs appear, consult a doctor

  • If there is swelling in the eyes and face and does not go away even after several days, it may mean that the thyroid is finding it difficult to function due to iodine deficiency. Due to low level of iodine, the fluid balance of the body gets disturbed. This causes swelling in the eyes and face.
  • If the throat often becomes hoarse or a lump appears in the throat, then these can be symptoms of goiter. In this, there is swelling in the thyroid gland, which looks like a lump and the voice changes. This is a sign of iodine deficiency. Consult a doctor immediately.
  • If you often feel that your heart beat is slowing down, it may be due to iodine deficiency. Thyroid gland plays a big role in maintaining heart beat. If the thyroid gland is affected due to iodine deficiency, it will also affect the heart beat. If such symptoms appear, a doctor should be consulted.
  • If there are unnecessary mood swings and irritability, then it can be a sign of iodine deficiency. Iodine deficiency causes instability in brain chemicals. If this is happening then consult a doctor.
  • If suddenly your hands and legs start tingling or become numb while sitting, then it could be due to iodine deficiency. Actually, due to low thyroid hormone, nerve functioning becomes weak. That’s why symptoms like tingling appear. If this happens, consult a doctor.
  • Iodine deficiency can cause irregularities in the periods of women. Menstrual flow may be excessive. Even conceiving can be a problem. Thyroid hormones play an important role in reproductive health. If anything like this happens, consult a doctor.

These complications can occur due to iodine deficiency

If there is a chronic lack of iodine in the diet, the body cannot make enough thyroid hormone. Many complications can occur due to this. Serious risks can arise especially during pregnancy. See the graphic below to see what risks this may pose:

Some common questions and answers related to iodine deficiency

Question: What is the treatment for iodine deficiency?

answer: Doctors usually treat iodine deficiency with iodine supplements. If there is a deficiency for a long time, there may also be a deficiency of thyroid hormones in the body. Therefore, doctors may also advise taking thyroid hormone supplements. If a child is born iodine deficient, the condition can be treated with thyroid hormone supplements. If the child’s condition is more serious, he may have to take thyroid hormone supplements throughout his life.

Question: What can happen if someone is iodine deficient?

answer: If there is iodine deficiency, it can be compensated through food or supplements. This will gradually reduce the symptoms due to iodine deficiency.

If iodine deficiency is detected late, it can have serious effects. If a woman is pregnant, the physical and mental development of the child can be affected due to iodine deficiency. In some such cases it has been seen that children are born dead. To avoid its serious effects, it is important to consume adequate iodine through food or supplements.

Question: How much iodine is necessary to be consumed daily?

answer: Everyone needs different amounts of iodine per day depending on their age. Adults should get 150 micrograms of iodine daily. If a woman is pregnant or lactating, she needs about 250 micrograms of iodine daily. For this, prenatal vitamin supplements can be taken. It provides 250 micrograms of essential iodine daily. However, not all prenatal vitamins contain iodine. Therefore, read the nutrients chart on the bottle.

Question: How can we avoid iodine deficiency?

Question: The best way to do this is to eat such food in which we get the iodine we need every day. These things contain iodine:

  • Dairy products like milk, curd, butter, paneer and cheese
  • Egg
  • Tuna fish (ocean fish)

Iodized salt is also a good and effective way to avoid iodine deficiency. Therefore, iodized salt should be used in cooking and eating.

If a person depends on processed foods for his diet, he may need to take supplements for iodine because most processed foods do not use iodine-rich salt.

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