Joint Family Benefits Drawbacks; Child Growth | Dada Dadi | Relationship- Benefits or disadvantages of living in a joint family: How important elders in raising children, know the opinion of Psychologist

Joint Family Benefits Drawbacks; Child Growth | Dada Dadi | Relationship- Benefits or disadvantages of living in a joint family: How important elders in raising children, know the opinion of Psychologist
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3 minutes agoAuthor: Shivakant Shukla

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Today Till a few years ago, many people lived in joint families. But it has seen a lot of changes for the last few years. People have started living with nuclear family, only their wife and children. There may also be some reasons behind this. However, living in a joint family has some advantages, which cannot be found even in the nuclear family.

Many generations live together in the joint family. There is always laughter. All enjoy eating together and are always ready to help each other.

Apart from this, children grow up with love of not only parents but also grandparents, uncle-aunt and cousin and sisters. The joint family acts like a support system. Any problem that comes in the life of any family member is the problem of the whole family. All together are ready to face it together.

However, there is an old saying that ‘if there are four utensils in the house then there are voices.’ This means that there may also be differences between family members on small things occasionally. In such a situation, the joint family has both its advantages and disadvantages.

So today Relationship Talk of a joint family in the column. Will also know that-

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a joint family?
  • What is the effect of the joint family on children?

What is a joint family?

Joint family means a family where two-three generations live with mutual love in the same house. Everyone’s food is prepared in the same kitchen. Usually the biggest member of the family is the head of the family. It is the responsibility of making decisions.

However other family members may suggest. All members are expected to contribute financially to run the family and all have to share their hands in household chores. This is called Joint Family.

Emotional and financial support available in joint family

Where the trend of nuclear family is growing very fast nowadays. People are preferring to stay apart with their wife and child. In such a situation, it is important to understand the importance of a joint family. In this, people get emotional and financial support. If parents are working, then they do not have tension as to who will take care of their children because all the members of the household care with responsibility.

A large family works as a large team. With this, any work is done easily without any problem. Especially when it comes to doing domestic work like cooking or cleaning.

This does not make any member of the family feel stressed about work. At the same time, all the earning members of the family meet the expenses of the house. It does not burden any one.

Apart from this, there are some other benefits of living in the joint family, understand it from the graphic below-

Living in a joint family is harmful

While there are some benefits of living in a joint family, it also has some disadvantages. Lack of privacy can become a problem due to being among many people in the joint family. On the other hand, if one member of the family is given more financial burden, then it can cause discord.

The head of the family in the joint family decides where and how the money will be spent. Sometimes the decisions taken by it do not like some members. This can cause disagreement and debate. Many times people who earn more than other family members try to dominate everyone. This can lead to estrangement between family members. Along with this, there is more workload on the women of the family, which can become the cause of dispute.

Apart from this, there are some more possible disadvantages of living in the joint family, understand it from the graphic below-

Joint family influence on raising children

Falling in the joint family develops a sense of mutual support, respect and service in children. They get a chance to play with other family children, making them physically and mentally fit. Joint family is very helpful in raising children. Such as-

  • Children learn different things and behavior when they grow up with people of different ages, including cousins, uncle-aunt and grandparents.
  • Especially the love of children towards grandparents is too much. They learn a lot from their stories.
  • Living among the family does not make the child feel loneliness.
  • They learn to live together and share their things.
  • They learn to sympathize with the people around them.
  • If the children in the joint family are unable to tell their problems to the parents, then they can tell other people of the family.
  • They get rites and traditional heritage easily.
  • Children are used from childhood. This develops a sense of responsibility in them.

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