Mumbai6 minutes agoAuthor: Ashish Tiwari
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MP and actress Kangana Ranaut’s film Emergency is releasing on 6th September. Kangana will be seen in the direction, production and acting of this film. Kangana said that she will no longer work under the pressure of any producer. Producers unnecessarily exploit directors and actors.
Kangana said these things in an interview given to Dainik Bhaskar. She also explained the reason for making a film on a sensitive issue like Emergency.
Question: Where did the idea of making a film like Emergency come from?
answer- Today’s generation does not know much about the Emergency. Today’s generation does not know what the situation was like at that time. The whole country had turned into an open prison at that time. I read Indira Gandhi’s biography.
I understood that once a person sees power, he slowly comes under its grip. Then that power makes him do anything. Generally, the life of politicians is shown in a different way. I wanted to humanize the life of a leader through this film, and this is how I thought of making this film.

Question- What challenges did you face while making the film?
answer- The issue of the film is sensitive, so thinking about making it was the most challenging task. The characters of Atal ji, Jai Prakash Narayan ji and Advani ji will also be seen in the film. It was not easy to show on screen the kind of atrocities that happened with them at that time.

Question: Apart from acting, you have also taken up the responsibility of production and direction, what would you say?
answer- There was a reason behind becoming a producer. I did not want to work under any pressure. Producers in the industry often put pressure on directors. They interfere in their work. I do not want all this.
Thinking this, I produced the film. However, I am telling the truth that my financial accounts are very messed up. I do not hesitate in paying the artist. My team members ask where will so much money come from. I say sell my house. (laughs)