New Delhi. Kartik Aryan’s love life has often been a hot topic for fans. Kartik Aryan participated in The Great Indian Kapil Show with his co-star Vidya Balan. During this time he made many interesting revelations. On the show, Vidya Balan asked Kartik Aryan the name of his girlfriend, to which the actor’s mother’s answer surprised everyone. This conversation between the two can also be seen in the promo of the show.
Kartik Aryan and Vidya Balan play a game called Truth or Dare on ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’, on which Vidya asks the actor, what is the name of your girlfriend? She says, ‘He was always on the phone during the shooting of the film. I used to go and stand next to him so that maybe I could get a hint. He just kept saying Meetu, Meetu, so I didn’t know anything.
Bidya Balan said that she is not Me Too and Me Too wala Me Tu, but her name is Mitu. Vidya Balan wanted to know whether Kartik is Aryan’s girlfriend, on which the Pyaar Ka Punchnama actor’s mother says that he will take the name of each person, if there is one, he will tell, there are so many of them here. On hearing this, everyone present on the set goes crazy laughing.
FIRST PUBLISHED: November 4, 2024, 07:40 IST