13 minutes agoAuthor: Gaurav Tiwari
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every The festival of Karva Chauth is celebrated all over the country on Chaturthi of Krishna Paksha of Kartik month. On this day, married women observe a fast for the good health and long life of their husbands. This year this date is October 20, 2024.
Karva Chauth is very different and difficult from the fasts of other days. On this day, women observe Nirjala fast from sunrise till the sighting of the moon. That means they give up food and water on this day.
In all medical disciplines, from Naturopathy, Ayurveda to Allopathy, fasting has been considered beneficial for health. Giving up food gives the digestive system a chance to rest, but giving up water can also lead to serious conditions like dehydration.
However, the good thing is that its solution is also found in the tradition of Karva Chauth fast. On this day, mother-in-law gives a plate of Sargi to her daughter-in-law as a blessing. This plate contains all the food and drinks, which has to be consumed before sunrise.
We can prepare the sargi thali in such a way that it provides the required calories and nutrition for the day. Apart from this, the needs of water and electrolytes essential for our body should also be fulfilled.
so today ‘medical certificate‘I will talk about the Sargi thali prepared for Karva Chauth. You will also learn that-
- According to tradition, what is included in the sargi thali?
- How can we make sargi thali better?
- What things should not be included in this thali?
This is how the traditional sargi thali is made
Sargi thali is divided into four parts. It includes some fruits, dry fruits, cooked food and sweets. All the things present in the plate are necessary for our body.

Now understand all the points given in the graphic in detail.
Fruits keep the body hydrated
During the Nirjala fast of Karva Chauth, dehydration can occur due to lack of water during the day. Therefore, fresh fruits are included in the sargi thali. They contain abundant amount of water, which keeps our body hydrated during the day. In this we can include pomegranate and other citrus fruits for minerals and vitamin C.
Dry Fruits for Nutrients and Energy
Dry fruits are rich in many nutrients, carbs and dietary fiber. Therefore dry fruits are included in the sargi thali. Dry fruits are mostly a part of the traditional vrat thali. For all the nutrients, include almonds, cashews, dates and raisins in it.
Cooked food makes you feel full
There is also some cooked food in the sargi thali. It includes mathri, feni, vegetable, roti and halwa. Mathri and feni are traditionally included in the thali. Apart from this, other things can be changed as per choice. Their presence makes one feel full.
Sweets for taste and instant energy
Sweets have a special place in Indian festivals. It is also considered a favorite offering of God. Therefore, some sweets are also kept in the Sargi plate. It may seem strange to eat food early in the morning. Therefore sweets enhance the taste of food. It is made of milk and sugar, hence it also provides instant energy.

Sargi plate can be made more healthy
Dr. Anu Aggarwal, senior nutritionist from Delhi and founder of ‘OneDietToday’, says that as per tradition, most of the essential food items have been included in the sargi thali. The good thing is that all the things included in it come from natural sources. However, we can also add some other things to our plate. See the graphic below about this.

If the sargi thali is decorated in a healthy manner like the graphic, then the requirements of calcium, potassium, protein, water and carbs for the day can be fulfilled.
Prepare a healthy thali of 1500 calories like this
Dr. Anu Aggarwal says that a healthy woman requires 1600 to 2200 calories a day. Since you have to fast during the day, it is not right to consume so many calories at one go. Therefore we can prepare a balanced plate of around 1500 calories. See the graphic below.

Dr. Anu Aggarwal says that we should take special care of some things while preparing the thali. Like do not include too much sugary food in it. Avoid drinking tea with food in the morning.
Do not include sugary food in Sargi thali.
Dr. Anu Aggarwal advises to keep sweet items to a minimum in the sargi plate. Eating more sugary things can help the body get energy quickly, but eating them also makes you feel more hungry during the day. This happens because eating sweets releases more insulin in the body and insulin increases hunger.
However, she says that if this sweetness is coming from fruits and nuts then it is fine to a great extent because they contain complex carbs and also contain plenty of fiber. Apart from this, fruits also contain water, which helps the body to remain hydrated.
avoid drinking tea in the morning
- Dr. Anu Aggarwal refuses to include tea in the sargi thali because tea contains caffeine.
- According to ICMR, caffeine hinders the absorption of iron and other nutrients. We should avoid drinking tea or coffee near any mile.
- Apart from this, caffeine and lactic sugar present in tea can cause lactic acid and gas in the stomach. This may cause stomach upset and vomiting. Due to this, a situation of dehydration can arise, which can create difficulty in fasting without water.
Also read this news of Sehatnama
Healthy Nama- The secret of health is hidden in the food plate: Half of the plate should contain vegetables and fruits, the rest should contain proteins and carbs.

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