New Delhi. Bollywood actress Kiara Advani, who is going to be seen in this year’s most awaited film ‘Game Changer’. South superstar Ram Charan is going to be seen with her in this film. A big news is coming out about Kiara Advani. It is being told that he has been admitted to a hospital in Mumbai. The actress was to attend the promotional event of the film in the city today, but she could not reach there.
According to sources of our associate website News18, Kiara was admitted to the hospital this morning. Although the reason for his hospitalization is not yet clear, his fans are worried and are eagerly waiting for updates on his health.
The production team of the film has not yet commented on this matter and more information is expected to be revealed soon. We wish Kiara to get well soon.
The film ‘Game Changer’ was made for Rs 500 crores.
The budget of the film Game Changer is Rs 500 crore. According to the report of Great Andhra, Ram Charan has charged a huge fee for the film ‘Game Changer’. The report claimed that the actor was going to get Rs 100 crore as fees. However, due to delay in the film and increase in production cost, the actor reduced his fees. The actor has received Rs 65 crore.
Kiara got 13 times less fees than the actor
At the same time, Kiara Advani has received only Rs 5-7 crore as fees for the film. If the fees of the actress are compared to that of Ram Charan, she has received 13 times less fees than the actor. A large part of the budget has been spent on the songs of the film. It is being said that only Rs 75 crore has been spent on the songs of the film. This is a political drama
Tags: Kiara Advani, Ram Charan
FIRST PUBLISHED: January 4, 2025, 13:04 IST