{“_id”:”67493f61a8254d47b503bd86″,”slug”:”lip-care-tips-for-winter-dry-lips-treatment-overnight-home-remedies-2024-11-29″,”type”:”photo- gallery”,”status”:”publish”,”title_hn”:”Lip Care Tips: If crust has started forming on the lips then use these things, you will not need lip balm need”,”category”:{“title”:”Beauty tips”,”title_hn”:”Beauty tips”,”slug”:”beauty-tips”}}
Flaking on lips is a common problem in winter. To avoid this, you can adopt some home and natural remedies.

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If crust has started forming on the lips then use these things – Photo: Freepik
One reason for this condition of the lips is that in this season we drink very little water, due to which the lips become dry. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about some such household things, using which your lips will become soft and you will not need lip balm.

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Honey and sugar scrub – Photo : Adobe stock
By using this scrub the crust on the lips will disappear completely. To use it, mix a little honey in one spoon of sugar and massage it gently on the lips. You can use it twice a week.

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Coconut Oil – Photo : Adobe stock
If you have coconut oil available, apply coconut oil on your lips every night before sleeping. It deeply moisturizes the lips and heals chapped lips.

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Rose petals and milk – Photo : Adobe stock
If you have fresh rose petals, soak some rose petals in milk and make a paste and apply it on the lips. Along with moisturizing the lips, it also restores their natural pink color.

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Ghee – Photo : Adobe Stock
For this you have to use desi ghee. The elements found in desi ghee help in softening the lips. To use it, apply a little ghee on the lips. It provides instant moisture and makes lips soft.