New Delhi: When the son of a Bollywood superstar entered the film industry, he was considered the next big star. He started as expected, but despite his debut film being a blockbuster, he did not achieve the status that Hrithik Roshan has achieved today. We are talking about Tusshar Kapoor, who was first seen in the film ‘Mujhe Kuchh Kehna Hai’. He later did hit films like ‘Jeena Sirf Mere Liye’, ‘Yeh Dil’ and ‘Gayab’ along with ‘Khakee’, ‘Kya Kool Hain Hum’, ‘Golmaal’, ‘Shootout at Lokhandwala’.
Film industry’s ‘cool’ actor Tusshar Kapoor remained in the headlines more due to his personal life than his films. He decided to become the father of a son without marrying. He arrived on Saturday to participate in the Chandigarh Literature Festival. The actor shared his experiences on his book ‘Bachelor Dad: My Journey to Fatherhood and More’ at ‘Literati’ 2024 at Chandigarh Lake Club.