Its starting price is Rs 7.49 lakh (ex-showroom). Last month, Mahindra started the delivery of its entry-level M1, MX2 and MX2 Pro variants. The delivery of its other variants has been started this month. After this, the sales of XUV 3XO may increase. Booking for XUV 3XO started from May 15. More than 50,000 bookings were received for it within an hour. It has been made available in nine variants. More bookings have been received for its petrol variants. It competes with Maruti Suzuki’s Brezza, Hyundai’s Venue and Kia’s Sonet.
The company has provided panoramic sunroof for the first time in this segment. It has a floating infotainment system and digital instrument cluster. Its 1.2 liter petrol engine generates maximum power of 109 bhp and peak torque of 200 Nm. Apart from this, the 1.2 liter GDi petrol engine gives power of 129 bhp and peak torque of 230 Nm. Its 1.5 liter diesel engine has a maximum power of 115 bhp and peak torque of 300 Nm. The XUV 3XO has a seven-speaker surround system with nine band equalizer. It has six airbags and ADAS level 2 for safety. Apart from this, features like 360 degree camera, electronic stability control and hill hold control are available.
In the SUV segment, Mahindra has XUV700, XUV300, Thar, Bolero, Bolero Neo and XUV400 EV apart from Scorpio-N and Scorpio Classic. The company has more than one lakh pending bookings for Scorpio-N and Scorpio Classic. Both these SUVs get bookings of around 16,000 units every month. Mahindra has increased the manufacturing of Scorpio-N and Scorpio Classic, which has reduced their waiting period. The prices of Scorpio N range from Rs 13.26 lakh to Rs 24.54 lakh. It is available in five variants – Z2, Z4, Z6, Z8 and Z8L.