Regarding this, Deputy Commissioner of Police Rajesh Kumar Tripathi said that the accused Vikram Vishnoi, a software engineer from Indore, was arrested on the basis of leads in a fraud case of Rs 1.35 lakh by digital arrest. Vishnoi, a resident of Jodhpur in Rajasthan, is a third-year MBBS student at the Government Medical College, Alibaug in Maharashtra. During interrogation of Vishnoi, it was revealed that he used to provide bank accounts to a gang for cyber fraud. He was connected to a gang of Chinese youth through the messaging app Telegram. Tripathi said, ‘We have come to know that Vishnoi used to convert the money received from cyber fraud into cryptocurrency and send it to the Chinese gang. We are conducting a detailed investigation into the involvement of Chinese gangs in cyber crimes in the country.
In this case, the amount of cyber fraud was sent to the crypto wallet of the Chinese gang through an account of crypto exchange Binance. Indore Police is also contacting Binance for more information regarding this. Recently, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) had caught the Fiewin gaming scam of $ 4.75 crore (about Rs 400 crore). American crypto exchange Binance had claimed that its intelligence division had helped a lot in exposing this gaming scam. ED had declared it a fraud after detecting suspicious transactions related to the Fiewin gaming platform.
Binance had said in a statement that public-private partnership in the fight against financial crimes can increase its contribution to the rapidly growing crypto segment of the country. ED had said in its investigation that Fiewin was offering online gaming and betting under the guise of a legitimate app and users were allegedly being defrauded. Fiewin is promising quick returns to users under the guise of mini games and the app does not allow users to withdraw funds if their balance is high.
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Digital, Student, Crypto, Exchange, Market, Security, Demand, Government, Investigation, Fraud, Binance, Maharashtra, Telegram, Software, China, Indore, App