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Women usually have menopause at the age of 45 to 55 years. Meenopause means that their periods stop coming. This is the stage of women’s lives, after which they cannot become a biological mother.
Usually at the age of 40, the early symptoms of menopause appear. These symptoms can begin to appear between 40 and 50 at any time.
Symptoms such as sudden sweating, restlessness and headaches may be seen at night before menopause, during and many years later. All this is normal, but hormonal imbalance caused by menopause increases the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis and UTI problems.
so ‘Sehthanama‘I will talk about menopause today. Will also know that-
- What are the indications before menopause?
- What can lead to complication?
- Do menopause require treatment?
What is menopause?
If a woman is not having periods for 12 consecutive months, it is considered to be menopause. However, this may lead to many physical and mental problems. Gynecologist Dr. Mitul Gupta says about this-

What are the symptoms of menopause?
Everyone can have different experiences due to menopause. This also affects emotional health. It usually increases fatigue and irritability. Stress may increase in this. Memory los, anxiety and depression can also occur. Its symptoms are also seen on physical health, see in graphic:

Can there be health complications due to menopause?
Estrogen and progesterone hormones are the most active in the body of women during manstrual cycles. They play an important role in becoming women of women. Also, women act like a shield for women and protect them from many diseases. There is a deficiency of these hormones in the body due to menopause and the removal of this safety shield increases the risk of many diseases.

Healthy lifestyle helpful in dealing with the troubles of menopause
For this, first take healthy and balanced diet. Get plenty of sleep and manage stress. Many such changes in lifestyle can reduce the symptoms of menopause-
- Eat fruits and vegetables of all colors for plenty of vitamins and antioxidants.
- Eat milk, curd, cheese, soy and green leafy vegetables for calcium and vitamin D.
- Eat flake seeds, almonds and walnuts for omega-3 fatty acids.
- To avoid stress, do regular exercise, do yoga and meditation.
- Cardio exercises and cycling can be done to strengthen heart and bones.
- Stretching for the body’s flexibility and joint pain relief.
- If the stress is increasing suddenly, take a deep breath or listen to a favorite music.
- Get adequate sleep of 8 hours daily and reduce screen time before bedtime.
- Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily for hydration and skin health.
- If the doctor has recommended, take calcium, vitamin D and magnesium supplements.
What not to do
- Avoid caffeine and spicy food. This can increase the problem of hot flash and sudden sweating.
- Do not smoke and avoid alcohol consumption.
- Do not let the screen time be too much. This increases stress and affects sleep.
Some common questions and answers related to menopause
Question: How to know that menopause is now starting?
answer: Meenopause does not occur suddenly. The time of perimenopause before menopause can also be stretched 7–8 years long. In this, periods gradually start getting irregular. Sometimes there may be more or less bleeding. Sometimes the gap between two periods increases or decreases. The duration of the period may also be more or less.
There are no accurate symptoms at all. But after the age of 40, there is an indication of any irregularity in the period cycle that you are going to Periminopazal State. Apart from this, the following symptoms can be seen-
- Sudden heat (hot flashes)
- Sudden sweating at night.
- Change in mood.
- Stress and increased increased.
Question: Can anyone have menopause even at the age of 30?
answer: This happens in a rare case. In general, menopause occurs at the age of 45 to 55 years. However, this can happen due to treatment of some health conditions or cancer like cancer. This problem can occur in these treatment-
- Chemotherapy
- Radiation therapy
- Pelvic injury
- No serious surgery
Question: Can menopause cause long term health problems?
answer: Yes, menopause can cause health problems. As BP may increase, cholesterol level may increase. The risk of heart disease may increase. Calcium absorption is reduced due to reduced estrogen in the body, causing bones to weaken. Therefore, the risk of health conditions like osteoporosis increases.
Question: Can you be sexually active after menopause?
answer: Yes, even after menopause, you can be sexually active. However, hormonal changes may cause a decrease in desire at times. At the same time, vaginal dryness increases. The risk of infection and UTI increases. Therefore it is necessary to take some care.
Question: How to manage the symptoms of menopause?
answer: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may reduce symptoms such as hot flashes and sudden sweating at night. Also healthy lifestyle is also helpful.
Question: What is hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?
answer: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a clinical treatment. Its help is usually taken to manage the symptoms of menopause and to cure the imbalance of hormones produced due to this.
When being menopause, estrogen and progesteron hormones are eliminated. Therefore, these hormones are given artificial methods in hormone therapy.
Question: Is the hormone replacement therapy (HRT) completely safe?
answer: Yes, in most cases the hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is safe. Despite this, take any treatment or medicine only after the doctor’s advice.
Taking HRT for a long time can cause these problems-
- There may be a risk of blood clotting.
- There may be problems related to gallbladder.
- There may be a problem of high blood pressure.
- The risk of stroke and breast cancer may increase.
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