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After the announcement of the release of Pakistani film ‘The Legend of Maula Jatt’ in India, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) has once again opened a front against Pakistani artists and films. In an exclusive conversation with Dainik Bhaskar, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena leader Amay Khopkar clearly said that no Pakistani artist or film will get a place in India. He also targeted Bollywood in sharp words and said that if Pakistani artists come here to promote their films, they will be beaten up.
Raising the issue of the country’s security and martyred soldiers, he did not limit his protest to Maharashtra only, but expressed his intention to spread it across the country. Read some important excerpts from the conversation:

First of all, we would like to know, what is the real reason behind this strong protest against artists from Pakistan?
There are constant attacks on our country from Pakistan. There were attacks last week too, in which our soldiers were martyred. There are attacks in many cities of our country too, where our good police officers are martyred. In such a situation, why do we need art from Pakistan? Are there no artists in our country? Are films not made here? Why do we need artists from Pakistan? When the police officers who lost their lives in the terrorist attack in Mumbai turn on the TV in their homes, will they watch the shows of these Pakistani artists? We don’t want the artists of those because of whom our soldiers and police officers were martyred. We will not allow any artist or film from Pakistan to be released here.

Everything was going well in Bollywood for so many years, why is the need for Pakistani artists suddenly being felt now?
My question is why is this needed? We have great artists and good talent. Then what is the need to call artists from Pakistan? Our films are not allowed to be released in Pakistan, instead they are banned.
Will your protest be limited to Maharashtra only or are you planning to spread it across the country?
Our party is limited to Maharashtra, but I request other states to not allow any Pakistani artist or film to be released in their cities and protest against it. We will definitely protest. Pakistani films will not be released in Maharashtra and this should be considered a threat.
Suppose if Pakistani films are released, what will be your next strategy?
The theatre owners also know that the glasses in their multiplexes are very expensive. They will not let it release, and ‘no’ means ‘no.’

It is said that art and culture should be kept separate from politics. Do you think this is possible?
I believe that art, culture and politics are different things. But when that art belongs to those who attack our country, then we don’t want that art. For us, country comes first, then art. We will not tolerate those who attack our country in the name of art. The day attacks on our country from Pakistan stop, then we will talk. Not at all for now.
What is your message to those in Bollywood who are supporting working with Pakistani artistes?
The people of Bollywood should be ashamed. There is so much talent in our country, then why do you need to call artists from outside, especially from Pakistan? No matter how much you try, we will not accept that any Pakistani artist comes here to perform or shows films. Right now there are talks that Pakistani artists will come here to promote their films, so I would like to tell them not to even think about it. Don’t even think about promotion, otherwise you will be beaten up. Your hands and legs will be broken.