5 minutes agoAuthor: Shivakant Shukla
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In us Many people have passed before getting up from bed in the morning. People sleep by putting an alarm, but cannot get up on time. This habit can become a hindrance in the path of success because only the first few hours of the day decide how productive and happy we will be throughout the day.
Now even science has proved that if the start of the morning is good, then the whole day passes good. In such a situation, we need to change our habit. For this, if we do only 10 work before 10 in the morning, then you will definitely be more healthy and happy. Also, the path of success will also become easier.
Today Relationship In the column, we will talk about these 10 works.

Do these 10 tasks before 10 am for success
Till date, all the successful personalities in the world have not done any very different things. He only made some positive changes within himself and remained continuously with him. In this way, we can also move towards success by changing some of our daily habits. Do not do much for this, just we need to make our morning positive. Understand it from the graphic below-

Come, now let’s talk about these points above in detail.
Get up before sunrise
Acharya Chanakya says that ‘getting up early in the morning is the first step of success’. Waking up early in the morning makes the day’s work complete on time and increases confidence. With this you can enjoy some quiet time before the world wakes up. You can use this time for setting your goal and day planning.
Keep in mind that there is no need to give up sleep to wake up in the morning. For this, you just have to manage your sleeping time. Sleep on time and get up on time, so that enough sleep can also be found. Elon Musk, one of the world’s largest businessmen, also consider getting up in the morning.

Make your bed yourself and clean the room
After getting up in the morning, make your bed the first task. Apart from this, clean your room yourself and keep the things of the house organized. Stay in a clean environment reduces stress. It also has a positive effect on our mind and health.
Drink lukewarm water
After night sleep, the body needs hydration and nutrition. Therefore, to improve your metabolism and hydrate the body, start the day by drinking a glass of lukewarm water. This reduces the risk of many diseases.
Distance from smartphone
Many people hold the mobile in their hands as soon as they open their eyes and remain immersed in it for some time. This should not be done at all. The day should begin peacefully, not amidst the dazzle of social media. If not very important, do not check your phone till 10 o’clock. Dedicate this time yourself. This will enable you to focus on things that really matters to you.
Complete your routine
It is very important to take care of yourself in the morning. Start it basic hygiene. Such as being fresh, brushing, washing face and bathing. A little self care increases confidence in the morning. With this you are mentally prepared for the coming day. Mahatma Gandhi has said about this that if you are clean, you will remain healthy.

Do meditation
Mindful meditation can help calm the brain and focus. For this, sit in a quiet place and focus on your breath. This practice can increase your ability to focus on any work over time. In the long run, it has a positive effect on physical and mental health.
do the exercise
Physical activity plays an important role in increasing the energy level in the morning. So exercise for at least 30 minutes daily. This will not only keep you fit, but will make you feel energetic and fresh throughout the day.

Do not eat sugar and carbs in breakfast
Sugar and carbs should not be eaten in the first diet of the morning. This can increase the blood sugar level of the body, which is the cause of many problems including fatigue, weakness and weight gain. Diabetes patients should take special care of this.
Take healthy breakfast
After exercise, have nutritious snacks rich in protein and fiber in the morning. This provides energy to the body and helps to stay active all day. In the morning, healthy breakfast keeps the mood good and makes a mind in work. Include sprouted grains such as gram, moong and any seasonal fruits in the morning breakfast.

Make a list of essential works of the day
Take a few minutes every morning and make a list of your day’s work. In this list, give essential works. This helps in maintaining the productiveness and the work is done quickly and easily.
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