New Delhi. On December 14, on the 100th birth anniversary of Raj Kapoor, the Kapoor family had organized the Raj Kapoor Film Festival to commemorate the contribution of the ‘showman’ in films. The entire Kapoor family participated in this film festival. Many clips of this event are becoming quite viral on social media. Seeing a video that surfaced recently, social media users were speculating that an argument had broken out between Saif Ali Khan and Ranbir Kapoor during the event and the younger Nawab was very upset over something Ranbir said. Now another video has surfaced in which the rift between mother-in-law Neetu Kapoor and daughter-in-law Alia Bhatt is visible.
A video has surfaced on social media Reddit in which Alia Bhatt steps towards her mother-in-law, calling her mother-in-law Neetu Kapoor, but Neetu completely ignores her daughter-in-law. Seeing this, netizens are speculating that maybe all is not well between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and there is a rift between the two.
Netizens are trolling Neetu Kapoor
Social media users have made different types of comments on this video. One user writes that mother-in-law is mother-in-law. Even if she is someone’s mother-in-law. Many users have given their comments on this tension between Alia Bhatt and Neetu Kapoor.
Saans Saans hi hoti hai
byu/Pyaricetamol inBollyBlindsNGossip