Mumbai. Rajpal Yadav, who is playing the role of Chhote Pandit in ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’, has apologized. On the night of Diwali, he has released a video, in which he is seen apologizing to people with folded hands. Actually, Rajpal Yadav has recently shared a video on his social media account, in which he was refusing to burst crackers. He had cited that firecrackers cause pollution. Animals are afraid. So appealed to celebrate Diwali peacefully. But people trolled him for this.
Started commenting on Rajpal Yadav’s old videos, in which he was seen eating non-veg biryani. Called him Hippocrates. Hurt by the continuous uproar, Rajpal deleted his previous video and has now shared a new video. In this video, he is seen apologizing to the people.