Nashpati nutrition value; Pears Fruit Khane Ke Fayde (Health Benefits) | Sehthanama- 21% fiber of daily needs from a pear: Learn from nutritionist 6 big benefits, how much to eat, who should not eat

Nashpati nutrition value; Pears Fruit Khane Ke Fayde (Health Benefits) | Sehthanama- 21% fiber of daily needs from a pear: Learn from nutritionist 6 big benefits, how much to eat, who should not eat
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2 minutes agoAuthor: Shashank Shukla

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Summer As soon as the season comes, the taste of pear starts enticing everyone. This fruit not only pleases the mind with its sweetness, but also takes care of our health. Pears contain a lot of nutrients that meet the needs of the body. The antioxidants found in it help to protect the body from diseases and keep them healthy.

According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine in the year 2022, eating pears reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Also, this fruit can also reduce the risk of stroke.

In such a situation, today we Sehthanama I will know that-

  • What are the benefits of pear?
  • Eating pear reduces the risk of diseases?

What are the benefits of pear?

Pear has been used as a medicine for hundreds of years. This fruit helps in many health problems such as inflammation and curing constipation. It is also used to reduce the effect of hangover. Apart from this, there are other health benefits of pear. Let us understand it through graphic.

Let us understand graphics in detail.

Gut health is better

Pear is a good source of soluble and insoluble fiber. Fiber is extremely important for digestive systems. A fiber called pectin found in pear is helpful in removing the problem of constipation.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, eating a pear provides 21% of the daily requirement. This means that if you eat five pears, you will get the required fiber for the whole day.

In 2014, a research was done on 80 people troubled by constipation. These people were given to the food, the fiber pectin found in pear every day for four weeks. People got relief from constipation by eating pectin and the number of good bacteria in their stomach also increased. The study has been published in the National Library of Medicine.

Helpful pear helping to reduce inflammation

According to a study published in 2019 at the National Library of Medicine, long -term inflammation can be associated with type 2 diabetes and heart diseases. However, pear has properties that can help reduce inflammation.

Another study of the National Library of Medicine also found that pear contains antioxidants called flavonoids, which are helpful in reducing inflammation. Also, it contains vitamin C and copper, which helps reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system.

There is less risk of diabetes

A study was published in 2012 at the National Library of Medicine. In this study, 2 lakh people were given an anthocyanin -rich red pear to eat five times a week. Anthocyanin is an antioxidant, found in red fruits and vegetables.

It was found in this study who regularly eaten red pears, the risk of type 2 diabetes was reduced by 23%.

Helpful to lose weight loss

Pears are low in calorie amounts, but water and fiber are found in plenty. This combination of all three is helpful in weight loss.

The National Library of Medicine published a study in 2008. In this study, some women were given three pears every day for ten weeks, food. At the same time, some women were given only their normal food. In this ten weeks, women who eat pears helped in losing one kilo of weight.

Flavonoids improve heart health

Pear is also beneficial for heart health. According to the National Library of Medicine 2019, the processing antioxidants present in pear can reduce the tightness of the heart tissue. The flavonoids found in pear can reduce LDL i.e. bad cholesterol and HDL i.e. good cholesterol can increase. Flavonoids are natural chemicals found in plants, which are rich in antioxidant properties.

Cancer risk is low

Many anti -cancer elements are found in pear. According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine 2021, Anthocyanin and chlorogenic acid found in pear found anti -cancer properties. According to another study by the National Library of Medicine, pear lung can reduce the risk of cancer and stomach cancer.

Pear neutritional value

Pears contain many nutrients, which are very beneficial in terms of health. It contains vitamin C, fiber, potassium and antioxidants. Let us understand it through graphic.

Some common questions related to pear –

Question- Who should not eat pear? answer- Some people may be allergic to pear, they should avoid eating it. If you have any digestive problems, such as gas, swelling or diarrhea, then consult a doctor before eating pear. Pear has high fiber content. This can cause digestive problems in some people.

Question – Are there some disadvantages of eating pears? answer- No, pear is a natural food and there is no harm of eating it. However, the pear effect is cold. In such a situation, eating more can cause cold and cough.

Question- Should diabetes patients eat pears? answer- Pears contain natural fructose and glucose, which can increase blood sugar level. However, pear also contains fiber, which helps to control blood sugar. In such a situation, diabetes patients should eat pear only after doctor’s advice.

Question- When should one eat pear, morning or evening? answer- You can eat pear in the morning or evening at any time. However, eating pear in the morning is considered more beneficial, as it gives the body energy for the day.

Question- Is it beneficial to drink pear juice? answer- Pear juice is also beneficial for health. It is found in plenty of vitamins and antioxidants. However, blood sugar level can increase rapidly due to low fiber content in juice. ,

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