New Delhi. Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are among the most loved couples of Bollywood. The couple got married in the year 2022 and soon after the marriage, both of them welcomed their daughter Rhea. Now Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are going to be seen together on screen once again. Both of them are going to be seen with Vicky Kaushal in the film ‘Love and War’ directed by veteran filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali.
During the promotion of Brahmastra Part One: Shiva, directed by Ayan Mukerji, Ranbir Kapoor talked about his first meeting with Alia Bhatt. Ranbir said that he had thought about his marriage and children in the first meeting with Alia. He says, ‘We met each other for the first time on 31 December 2017. We were going to Israel to do some preparations for ‘Brahmastra’ and during this time we were sitting together in the flight’.
had marriage in mind
He adds, ‘At that time, we were both single and that is why we were able to connect with each other. When the flight was taking off, I had already thought about marriage and my children and grandchildren. I think we both had married each other in our minds at that very moment.’
Love and War will release next year
Now if we talk about Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s upcoming film ‘Love and War’, then this film was announced in January this year and the film will be released on Christmas next year. According to Pinkvilla’s report, the shooting of the film will start from October this year and Vicky Kaushal will also join them by October 10.
Tags: Alia Bhatt, Entertainment news., Ranbir Kapoor
FIRST PUBLISHED : August 31, 2024, 08:46 IST