Novak Djokovic Success Secret; Mindful Breathing, Mental Strength Improvement Tips | Relationship – Tennis player Novak Djokovic does mindful breathing: This is the secret of his success, know 7 ways to increase mental strength

Novak Djokovic Success Secret; Mindful Breathing, Mental Strength Improvement Tips | Relationship - Tennis player Novak Djokovic does mindful breathing: This is the secret of his success, know 7 ways to increase mental strength
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  • Novak Djokovic Success Secret; Mindful Breathing, Mental Strength Improvement Tips

9 minutes agoAuthor: Shelly Acharya

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“Our mental health is the greatest asset in life.”

-Dalai Lama

What is most valuable in life? Money, a big house, power, status, relationships, success or something else.

According to Dalai Lama, good mental health is more valuable than money, house and property. There is a reason for this because only if we are physically and mentally healthy, we will be able to achieve all these things. We will be able to do all the work properly. It is very important to have good mental health to learn discipline in life, to meditate and even for success.

This is the secret of success of Serbia’s Novak Djokovic, the Golden Slam tennis champion. A tennis player who wins the four Grand Slams along with the Olympic Gold is called Golden Slam.

A big reason for his excellent performance in tennis is his mental strength. He pays a lot of attention to his mental health.

Novak Djokovic’s Mindful Breathing

In a recent interview, Novak Djokovic was asked how he trains his mind for focus and success. In response, Djokovic said, “It is not a gift from God. It has to be earned with a lot of hard work.” Djokovic said that for this he does mindful breathing. Especially in those moments when he is stressed or when he has to focus on the game.

According to Djokovic, this is what keeps his mental strength intact. He says that mental strength is also not a gifted thing. One has to work hard for it.

Science also believes that if you are struggling with stress, then many breathing techniques can help you calm down and relax. All you need is a quiet place where you can focus on your breathing process.

How many times do we breathe in a day

According to the Lung Foundation, Australia, an adult breathes approximately 22,000 times a day. On an average, we breathe 10 to 20 times a minute. This is a process that is happening every day and every second, starting from birth till the last breath we take in this world. We are breathing every moment, but never pay attention to it. For most of us, breathing is an unconscious process.

Are we paying attention to our breathing?

How strange it is that we have no conscious awareness of the most important and most valuable thing in life.

Vipassana, the most ancient process of meditation, is also mindful breathing, which was researched by Lord Buddha.

To become more aware of our body, state of mind, and the present moment, we must become conscious of our breathing. This is the foundation of physical and mental health.

In our daily hectic life, we go through many types of stress. While sleeping, waking up, eating or drinking, there is always some problem or stress going on in the mind. Due to this, problems like headache, stiffness in the neck, back pain, obesity and fatigue often occur. In such a situation, with the help of breathing exercises, mental stress and other problems can be relieved.

According to a study by the National Library of Medicine, regular mindful breathing is an effective means of managing stress, controlling psychophysiological conditions, and improving mental health.

What is mindful breathing

In mindful breathing, you usually develop awareness of your breath. Thinking about the breath, paying attention to it, and taking deep breaths is mindful breathing practice. This technique is practiced when a person is experiencing anxiety or feeling tired, restless, and anxious about something.

But even in normal circumstances, practicing mindful breathing reduces stress, anxiety, fatigue, and tension.

We take in oxygen through breathing. This oxygen reaches every small and big cell of the body through the red blood cells of our blood. If the supply of oxygen in the body stops, then one can die within a few minutes. Breathing is such a basic and critical thing for life.

The importance of breathing has also been described years ago in the form of Pranayam. We get many benefits just by taking deep breaths and exhaling.

According to yoga philosophy, mindful breathing is beneficial for both your body and mind. Traditional yogic wisdom believes that stress cannot exist when the breath is smooth, calm and controlled.

Learn from the graphic below, what are the benefits of mindful breathing-

According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine in the year 2020, mindful breathing is also helpful in eliminating many serious diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and bronchial asthma.

Apart from this, a review study published in the National Library of Medicine in the year 2019 found that regular mindful breathing also improves brain activity, lung and nervous system function, and metabolism.

Apart from this, it is also effective in problems like headache or chronic migraine. It reduces panic attacks, nervousness and anxiety. For example, when we are going to give an exam or interview and we have stress and anxiety, then mindful breathing is very useful.

How to Practice Mindful Breathing

Mindful breathing involves 7 steps of mindfulness. All you have to do is find a comfortable and quiet place, set a five-minute timer on your phone and follow these steps-

  • In the first step, take a deep breath and relax. You can keep your eyes closed or open.
  • In the second step, let go of all your worries, as if a heavy burden has been removed from your head and placed on the ground.
  • In the third step, focus on your breathing. Breathe in, breathe out, feel each step deeply.
  • In the next step, start counting your breaths slowly. First count from one to ten. Then repeat this process.
  • In the fifth step, concentrate completely on counting your breaths.
  • In the next step, focus your attention on the thoughts going on in the mind. Then gently bring your attention back to the breath. This is the most important step in practicing mindful meditation.
  • In the last stage, as you focus on your breathing, you feel a sense of peace within you.

After practicing these techniques, you will notice positive benefits that will improve your life. Taking just five minutes a day to focus on your breathing will help you feel relaxed and at peace. This is not only good for you but also for those around you.

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