Oben has teased the Rozz EZ ahead of its launch. The teaser gives a glimpse of the front design, which shows a headlight and a digital instrument panel above it, much similar to the company’s existing Rorr. The Rorr EZ is said to incorporate the patented high performance LFP battery technology which is said to have excellent heat resistance, long life and is ideal for superior performance in India’s diverse climates.
The company said in a press release, “As we get closer to the launch, the excitement about the Roar Easy is increasing. This bike is going to bring a big change in the world of electric mobility. Tune in for the big reveal on November 7. Be prepared and experience the future of travel to come!”
Oben Rorr was launched last year. The electric bike comes equipped with a permanent magnetic motor, which is capable of producing a peak output of 8kW. Its peak torque is 62Nm. It has a belt drive system. Thanks to all this, this electric bike can reach a top speed of 100 kmph and as per the company’s claim, it can accelerate from 0-40 kmph in 3.0 seconds.
The electric bike comes with three riding modes named Eco, City and Havoc, in which the speed is limited to 50km/h, 70km/h and 100km/h respectively, but this also makes a difference in the range. The three modes provide a range of 150km, 120km and 100km respectively. It has a fixed battery pack of 4.4kWh capacity, which supports fast charge. It also includes Theft Protection (Geo-Fencing), Diver Alert System (DAS) support.