Mumbai. Thug Sukesh Chandrashekhar, lodged in Delhi’s Tihar Jail, gifted a yacht to actress Jacqueline Fernandez. Jacqueline celebrated her 39th birthday a day earlier i.e. on Sunday. The yacht that Sukesh has gifted to Jacqueline is named after Jacqueline. This is the same yacht that Sukesh chose for Jacqueline in 2021. Not only this, he has also announced to give 100 iPhone 15 Pro to make Jacqueline’s new song a hit. Sukesh wrote a letter to Jacqueline and mentioned these gifts in it.
Sukesh Chandrashekhar said in his letter that this yacht named ‘Lady Jacqueline’ will be delivered this month. He said that all the taxes of the yacht have been paid and it is completely legal. Jacqueline is also working in the area of animal welfare. Regarding this, Sukesh said that the pet hospital he has gifted to Jacqueline in Bangalore is going to be completed this year.
300 houses and Rs 15 crore for Wayanad landslide victims
Taking a pledge on Jacqueline Fernandez’s birthday, thug Sukesh Chandrasekhar has promised to give Rs 15 crore and 300 houses to the victims of the Wayanad landslide disaster. He has also announced to give 100 iPhone 15 Pro to make the song ‘Yimmi Yummi’ filmed on Jacqueline a superhit.
These sections are imposed on Sukesh Chandrashekhar
Let us tell you, Sukesh Chandrashekhar was arrested on 29 May 2015 for offences under sections 420 (cheating) and 120-B (criminal conspiracy) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and certain sections of the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act and Maharashtra Protection of Interests of Depositors (in Financial Establishments) Act.
Jacqueline Fernandez was questioned in the money laundering case
Jacqueline was also summoned by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) for questioning in the money laundering case involving Sukesh Chandrashekhar. According to the ED chargesheet filed in 2022, he allegedly used illegal money to buy gifts for Jacqueline. Apart from this, actress Nora Fatehi was also questioned in the Rs 200 crore money laundering case involving Sukesh Chandrashekhar.
Tags: Jacqueline fernandez, Sukesh Chandrasekhar
FIRST PUBLISHED : August 12, 2024, 10:45 IST