5 minutes agoAuthor: Shivakant Shukla
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Nowadays Everything has become online. In such a situation, love is also being fulfilled online. There are many dating apps available on the internet through which people search for dating partners.
In India, people romance openly on dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, OkCupid, Truly Madly and Quack Quack. In the last few years, the dating industry in the country has grown rapidly.
According to Statista, in the year 2018, about 2 crore Indians were using dating apps. This figure will increase to 8.24 crore in the year 2023. Apart from metro cities, a good number of them are also from small towns. According to ‘Business of Apps’, more than 33 crore people around the world use dating apps.
so today relationship In the column we will talk about online dating. You will also learn that-
- How safe is online dating?
- What kind of mistakes should not be made while dating?

What is online dating?
Online dating means searching for a dating partner through the Internet. For this, first of all one has to create an account on the dating app or website. After this you can view the profiles of other users and interact with them. For online dating a person must be above 18 years of age.
The use of dating apps in India has increased rapidly in recent years and their popularity is continuously increasing. These apps are making inroads not only among the youth but also among people of different ages. Most dating apps and websites require a subscription. These apps provide free services as well as paid premium services.
Start online dating like this
For online dating, first create your profile on an authentic dating app or website. If you are really looking for a dating partner then update your profile thoroughly. For this, put your latest photo in your profile. Do not give wrong information related to photo, age or profession, so that you do not have to face embarrassment when meeting in future.
To make your profile attractive, write a bio that reflects your personality. You can also write about your likes and dislikes in it. You can also add your social media accounts to make your profile credible. Overall, keep your dating profile such that it does not look fake.
It is important to take care of some things in online dating
Online dating gives an opportunity to create a new identity, but it is also necessary to take some precautions. People can hide their true identity in online dating. Therefore, do not trust anyone too much in the beginning.
Any relationship takes time. Therefore, do not be hasty and take the decision of dating only after getting to know each other. Apart from this, some other things should be kept in mind while online dating. Understand this from the graphic below-

How safe is online dating?
Nowadays online dating has become a trend. However, as exciting as it sounds, it can also be equally dangerous. Privacy may be at risk in online dating. In this, sharing personal things like photos-videos and financial details can become a cause of danger.
There are many fake websites and apps available on the internet for online dating. If you get caught in their trap even by mistake, you can become a victim of cyber crime. Therefore, always use authorized apps or websites for online dating.
Don’t make these mistakes in online dating
If online dating is done wisely and carefully, it can be a good experience. However, some mistakes in this can prove to be dangerous, understand this from the graphic given below-

Let us now understand these above points in detail.
always keep yourself real
In online dating, people often try to look more beautiful and rich. However, in the long run these things can hinder dating. Therefore it is important that you remain who you really are. Do not compromise with the truth, because the foundation of any relationship is based on honesty.
Do not share personal information
During online dating, it can be dangerous to share personal information such as home address, financial condition or any sensitive information during the first meeting. Trusting a new person and giving your personal information without thinking can prove to be wrong.
Possibility of lying in online dating
In online dating, sometimes people may share false photos or information on their profiles, so that they appear more attractive. This doesn’t mean everyone will lie, but it’s important to be careful.
Be careful while meeting for the first time
If you are going to meet a date for the first time, do not go alone. This is very important from security point of view. During this time, keep a friend informed and also tell him your arrival and departure time. Have your first meeting at a public place only.
don’t call home early
In online dating, inviting someone over for the first time can be dangerous. Don’t invite anyone to your home until you know each other well.