Mumbai. Ranbir Kapoor turns 42 today. With this he has decided to do something different apart from acting. He has now become a businessman. On her 42nd birthday, she launched her fashion-lifestyle brand ARKS. While wishing her son on his birthday, Ranbir’s mother Neetu Kapoor told about his lifestyle brand. Neetu shared a video from her Instagram account and wrote, ‘Son, brother, husband, father and now a founder. Happy Birthday Ranbir.
With this he has revealed the name of Ranbir’s brand and has written, ‘Hopefully the birth of this brand will make this occasion of his birthday even more special.’ Karan Johar has also promoted Ranbir’s brand by sharing a picture of him in his Instagram stories. He informed the fans about the new innings of the animal actor. Karan has a special relationship with the Kapoor family and he considers Alia Bhatt as his daughter.
Karan Johar wrote on a picture, “You have seen this actor spreading magic on the cinema screen, you have also seen his brilliant acting… Now get ready to enter the beautiful world depicting Ranbir’s lifestyle. Stay tuned and keep an eye on ‘ARKS’ to know more about this space.”