Partners Interdependent Relationship Importance; Mutual Support Respect | Relationship – Interdependence creates better relationships: Know its 8 benefits from a relationship coach, these 9 signs will tell you how your relationship is.

Partners Interdependent Relationship Importance; Mutual Support Respect | Relationship - Interdependence creates better relationships: Know its 8 benefits from a relationship coach, these 9 signs will tell you how your relationship is.
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5 minutes agoAuthor: Shashank Shukla

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Our Every relationship has special importance in life. Especially if it is a romantic relationship, everyone wants a better relationship with their partner. This is what helps us build deep relationships with our partners.

When you imagine about your relationship, you think that your partner should always stand with you and support you in everything you do. At the same time, some people do not take any step without the permission of their partner. Do not do anything against their wishes, even if the partner is wrong. This habit of co-dependence not only harms your personality but also harms your relationship.

In such a situation the question arises that what should the relationship be like? The most important thing in a relationship is to be interdependent. Interdependent relationship means a relationship in which both the parties are ready to help each other. However, both of them take care of each other’s limits.

So today we relationship I will know that-

  • What is interdependent relationship?
  • Why is it better to be interdependent in a relationship?
  • How to make a relationship interdependent?

What is interdependent relationship?

Interdependent relationship means a relationship where both partners understand the importance of emotional connection. Both support and respect each other and also maintain their personal identity.

In such a relationship no one becomes a burden on the other. Also, no one tries to control the other and both enjoy their freedom.

Difference between interdependent and co-dependent relationship

Interdependent and co-dependent relationships are different things. A co-dependent person is excessively dependent on others for his identity and happiness. He does not understand how harmful it is for him to depend on his partner for everything. He is unable to understand where the limits of his identity are and where his partner’s limits begin.

He thinks that he should fulfill all the needs of his partner or he considers the responsibility of the other person as his own. In this type of relationship, one person is very dependent on the other.

Co-dependent relationships are not healthy because partners do not get the space to create their own identity, grow and be independent. In such relationships, one or both partners are more dependent on the other for their identity, self-esteem and mental state. Dependent on each other for every task can spoil the relationship. When a relationship doesn’t go well, one or both of you may feel guilty. You may also feel embarrassed by each other.

In this type of relationship, the possibility of freedom and personal growth is lost, which makes the relationship unhealthy.

Why is it better to be interdependent in a relationship?

Being interdependent means maintaining a balance between your own identity and the identity of the other person in the relationship. In this, both the partners try to fulfill each other’s needs intelligently.

Partners do not expect too much from each other, nor are they completely dependent on their partner for their identity. Interdependent relationships allow both to maintain their own identities, giving each other time to grow closer. With this, both take decisions without any pressure.

How to create interdependent relationships?

The most important thing for an interdependent relationship is that you should be aware of your identity from the very beginning. Many times people enter into relationships to escape loneliness and become an emotional burden on their partner. Due to this, the growth of the partner stops along with them.

Before getting into a relationship, they do not think about what is important for them and what they want from this relationship.

In such a situation, before getting into any relationship, think and understand what you want from this relationship. Also tell the other person about this and ask about his/her expectations too.

This can help in building healthy and interdependent relationships. Starting a relationship in this way provides a safe environment to both the partners, where they can connect with each other without any pressure and also maintain their identity.

There is freedom in interdependent relationships.

People do not feel guilt or pressure in interdependent relationships. They feel safe with their partner. They get time to think about themselves. At the same time, they enjoy their freedom while taking care of each other.

Paying attention to this while dating keeps your relationship healthy and strong in the long run. If you are already in a relationship, then sit with your partner and talk about it.

Make sure that both of you are on the same page about this and that your relationship is moving in the right direction. If this is not happening, then both can move towards an interdependent relationship by understanding each other because it is never too late to do something better.

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