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We Among all, there are many people who do not show their negative emotions directly. Has it ever happened to you that you spoke angrily to someone and then the other person remained silent and responded in a different way?
This is Passive-Aggressive Behavior. This is a behavior in which a person expresses anger indirectly by hiding his disagreement, anger or unhappiness, without any direct conflict.
today we relationship I will know what is passive-aggressive behavior? You will also learn that-
- Why does a person behave passive-aggressively?
- What kind of harm can this cause to us?
- What are the methods of prevention?

What is passive-aggressive behavior?
Passive-aggressive behavior is a mental state in which a person expresses his negative emotions and anger indirectly rather than directly. When we are angry, we do not say it directly, but express it in some other way. For example, if there is a mistake in work, instead of telling it directly to the other person, they make a light comment or remain silent.
Symptoms of Passive-Aggressive Behavior
Recognizing this type of behavior is not easy. It happens secretly, but you can recognize it by some symptoms. Let us understand its symptoms graphically.

Types of Passive-Aggressive Behavior
There are some common types of passive-aggressive behavior. Like, silent treatment, postponing things, or deliberately not responding to someone on time. Sometimes a person suppresses his emotions and tries to hurt others with anger. Such people do not show anger directly in front of others, but it becomes clear from their reactions. This behavior can create tension and mistrust in relationships. Due to this the other person may get confused.
1. Silent Treatment: This is the most common method. When a person is angry with someone, he ignores him completely. This method troubles the other person mentally.
2. To procrastinate: Postponing any work again and again and not doing it properly.
3. Looks and Gestures: When we express our unhappiness not through words, but through facial expressions or gestures.
4. Making Excuses: Making new excuses every time for not doing any work. Like ‘I didn’t have time’ or ‘I forgot.’;
5. Entangle: Making the problem unnecessarily complicated, so that the other person gets upset.
Some examples of passive-aggressive behavior
- When a member asks for help with something, and another member responds, “Maybe later,” but still does nothing. This is passive-aggressive behavior.
- A co-worker is asked for help with a task, but he says, “Okay, I’ll see later,” but never helps.
- When a friend is angry, but he does not talk directly. Instead, he remains silent or makes excuses.
Why does passive-aggressive behavior occur?
This question arises many times that why some people adopt passive-aggressive behavior? There can be many reasons for this. Let us understand these reasons.
Fear: Many people are afraid to express their negative emotions directly, because they do not want the other person to be angry with them.
Emotional Insecurity: Some people feel insecure in expressing their true thoughts and feelings.
Avoidance of conflict: Many times people try to avoid a problem or situation secretly instead of fighting it directly.
Family or social environment: If a person never expressed his feelings properly in childhood, he adopts passive-aggressive behavior when he grows up.
Disadvantages of passive-aggressive behavior
This behavior not only hurts us, but also our relationships. Let us understand through a graphic what its disadvantages can be.

Ways to prevent passive-aggressive behavior
To avoid passive-aggressive behavior, one should express one’s feelings openly and honestly. When we are angry with someone, we should talk directly. You should also share your problems yourself. Let us know 5 ways to prevent passive-aggressive behavior from senior psychiatrist Dr. Manish Borasi-
1. Straightforward Communication: Express your feelings openly and clearly. If something doesn’t seem right to you, say so.
2. Work on Emotional Intelligence: Understand your feelings and respect the feelings of others. This will make communication easier.
3. Increase Sensitivity: Understand your own and others’ feelings, so that you can avoid disputes.
4. Positive Criticism: Adopt a positive attitude while criticizing, so that the other person does not get hurt.
5. Psychological Support: If this behavior is severe, seek help from a mental health professional.
We all need to pay attention to our behavior. Passive-aggressive behavior not only harms our personal peace but also has a deep impact on relationships. This kind of behavior ignores problems. Gradually tension and distrust increases. If we express our feelings and thoughts correctly, honestly, we will not only feel better about ourselves, but our relationships will also be strong and stable. Therefore, it is extremely important to communicate openly and positively, so that we can achieve both mental peace and good relationships.