New Delhi. Priyanka Chopra has been away from Bollywood for the last 5 years. The actress was last seen in the film ‘Sky is Pink’ in the year 2019. After that he turned to Hollywood and completely distanced himself from Hindi films. Now according to the latest media reports coming out, Priyanka Chopra is now ready for Bollywood comeback after 5 years. The global actress has also given a hint about her much awaited film ‘Jee Le Zara’.
While talking to media portal HT City, Priyanka Chopra talked about her comeback. The actress says that she is going to announce her Bollywood comeback in the year 2025. The desi girl further says, ‘I am not joking. I meet many filmmakers here and read scripts. I am reading scripts of Hindi films and want to work. This year I was very busy, but I have a surprise.
Priyanka Chopra’s film ‘Jee Le Zara’ was postponed
When asked about the update of the film ‘Jee Le Zara’ with Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif, the ‘Desi Girl’ says that she will have to talk to Farhan Akhtar about it. Let us tell you, in the year 2021, Alia Bhatt, Katrina Kaif and Priyanka Chopra starrer film ‘Jee Le Zara’ was announced. However, due to unknown reasons this film was postponed and till now there is no update regarding it.
Priyanka was last seen in ‘Citadel’
Now talking about Priyanka Chopra’s film ‘Sky is Pink’, this film of the actress was released with Farhan Akhtar in the year 2019. This film was highly appreciated by the critics. Since then the desi girl has been active in Hollywood films. Some time ago the actress was seen in ‘Citadel’.
Tags: Alia Bhatt, Entertainment news., katrina kaif, Priyanka Chopra
FIRST PUBLISHED: December 4, 2024, 15:35 IST