Quadrantids meteor shower in india date and time details

Quadrantids meteor shower in india date and time details
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The year 2025 is going to start with an important astronomical event. The Quadrantids meteor shower will be at its peak on January 3 and 4. If explained in simple language, during these two nights of the New Year you will see meteorites raining in the sky. The entire sky will be illuminated by the light emanating from the comets. The Quadrantids meteor shower begins with an asteroid named 2003 EH1. However, the Quadrantids meteor shower will peak for only a few hours on January 3 and 4. In such a situation, their better visibility will be visible only to those people in whose area the weather is clear. There should be dense darkness.

of ndtv Report According to , when this meteor shower is at its peak, 60-200 quadrangular meteors are visible per hour. Their peak is small because the stream of meteorites is thin and it crosses the Earth at a perpendicular angle.

According to the report, Quadrantids are named after the Quadrans Muralis constellation. However, now this constellation has been removed from the list of recognized constellations.

Will Quadrantids meteor shower be visible in India?

The Quadrantids meteor shower has started from December 27 itself. This will continue till 16 January 2025. Its peak time will be visible in India on the night of 3 and 4 January.

The report quoted Sumit Srivastava, senior scientific officer of Lucknow-based Indira Gandhi Planetarium, as saying that ‘Quadrantids’ will be visible in the city on January 3 and 4. During this period, 80 to 120 meteors can be seen per hour. All this will be visible early in the morning and common people will have to take the help of telescope for better visibility. Meteor showers are seen when our Earth passes through space debris left by a comet or other celestial bodies.

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