Rajasthan New Zealand Job Fraud Case; Admission Jaipur Office Necessary news – Fraud in the name of job in New Zealand: Beware of fake agents providing jobs, identify fake job offers like this

Rajasthan New Zealand Job Fraud Case; Admission Jaipur Office Necessary news - Fraud in the name of job in New Zealand: Beware of fake agents providing jobs, identify fake job offers like this
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12 minutes agoAuthor: Sandeep Singh

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past Recently, a case of cheating of 5 people in the name of job abroad came to light in Sikar, Rajasthan, where an agent cheated Rs 32.80 lakh from them in the name of job in New Zealand. The accused had kept his office in front of Jaipur Railway Station.

Every year, hundreds of people become victims of fraud in the name of admission in big universities for jobs and studies abroad. In such a situation, there is a need to be alert and cautious about this type of fraud.

So let’s go today needed news I will talk about how to avoid fraud in the name of job or study abroad. You will also learn that-

  • How can we identify this type of fraud?
  • What to do if you become a victim of fraud?

Question- How do people become victims of fraud in the name of job abroad?

answer- Everyone wants his living and lifestyle to be better. Most people feel that there are more job opportunities abroad than in India. Also you can earn more money there than in India. People contact brokers or agents to get passport, visa and other documents prepared as soon as possible.

In such a situation, they forget that not everyone is eligible and capable for a job abroad. Fake agents lie to people just to cheat money. Make fake documents for them. In exchange for all this he cheats people of lakhs of rupees.

Question- How to avoid fraudsters who promise to provide job abroad?

answer- To avoid fraud in the name of job abroad, it is important to first find the right agent. For this, you can go to the website of the Ministry of External Affairs and search for the right agent who provides jobs abroad. All these agents are recognized by the Ministry of External Affairs.

If you have received a job offer from abroad, then first go to emigrate.gov.in website. In this, go to the option of recruiting agent and click on it. After this go to the recruiting agent list. After completing this process, a list of those foreign agents will appear which have been declared fake by the Ministry of External Affairs. Here you can see the name of real and fake agent.

Question- How to identify fake job offer from foreign company?

answer- It is very important to identify job offers from foreign companies because people are often cheated in the name of fake offer letters. If someone is giving you higher salary, bonus or facilities in the job offer letter, then be cautious. Be sure to cross check it.

Keep in mind that offers of job without interview or joining immediately are often fake. Don’t fall into the trap of such job offers. If you have received this offer through email then check the domain of the email. The fake offer letter comes from a similar domain instead of the company’s official email. Apart from this, some tips are given in the graphic below, by adopting which you can identify fake job letter.

Question- What to do if you become a victim of fraud in the name of job or studies abroad?

answer- If any fraud happens to you in the name of job or study abroad, then you can take help of ‘Madad’ portal of Government of India. On this portal, Indian citizens can register their complaints against fake agents, fraud and other problems.

Question- How does the help portal work?

answer- For assistance on ‘Madad’ portal visit https://madad.gov.in/AppConsular/welcomeLink. You can register your complaint here. After this, this information reaches the concerned officer or ministry.

After the complaint, action is taken against the concerned agent. First a show cause notice is issued to him. If he does not give a satisfactory reply, his registration is suspended for 30 days. If the agent still does not take any action on the person’s complaint, his registration can be canceled forever. Whatever action is taken by the Ministry, its updates are sent to you.

Do not trust jobs given in emails. Also, before clicking on any such link, please check it. Never share your personal or bank details on suspicious links. If you have any doubts, consult an expert or report to the relevant authorities. Being alert is the biggest protection.


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