Red Green Flag Relationship Meaning & Signs | Gen-Z Relationship | Relationship- What is Red Flag-Green Flag of relationships: Identify with these signs, 10 important advice from relationship counselor

Red Green Flag Relationship Meaning & Signs | Gen-Z Relationship | Relationship- What is Red Flag-Green Flag of relationships: Identify with these signs, 10 important advice from relationship counselor
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12 minutes agoAuthor: Shivakant Shukla

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You You must have heard about terms like ‘Green Flag’ or ‘Red Flag’ in relationships. Generation-Z often uses these words on social media in relationships. However, these words are not just a trend on social media. These words also have a bigger and deeper meaning.

so today relationship In the column we will explain the meaning of ‘Red Flag’ and ‘Green Flag’ in a relationship. You will also learn how to identify green flags in a relationship.

What do ‘red flags’ and ‘green flags’ mean in a relationship?

Red flags are negative signs seen in a person, which make a relationship with that person difficult. For example, cheating on your partner, lying often, being insecure in the relationship. These are some common red flags.

Whereas green flags are positive signs visible in a person. These are the things due to which you want to cherish the relationship for a long time. In simple words, green flags are signals to ‘move forward’ in the relationship.

Green flag signs in relationship

Green flags are positive signs that the relationship is moving in the right direction. Like your partner listens to you, respects you and supports your dreams. Understand its signs through the graphic given below-

Let us now talk about some of the above points in detail.

Such people have healthy communication

Conversation plays an important role in a relationship. If your partner talks to you with respect, shares every little thing with you, listens to you carefully, then it is a sign that you are in a green flag relationship.

They don’t hesitate to apologize

Arguments are quite normal in relationships. But how the couple resolves this decides the direction of the relationship. If the partner does not hesitate to apologize when he makes a mistake, then this is also a green flag.

they understand emotions

If your partner understands your feelings, sympathizes with you and consoles you when needed, it means that your relationship means a lot to him.

they make you feel safe

Feeling safe in a relationship isn’t just about physical security. It also assures that no matter what challenges come in life, he will always stand by you. If your partner supports you in every happiness and sorrow, then this is also a green flag.

they support dreams

If your partner encourages you to fulfill your dreams and helps you achieve them, then he is definitely a green flag partner.

They notice every little thing

The Green Flag partner notices and remembers every small and big thing about his partner. Like birthday date, first date or favorite dish. It shows that he really cares about you.

they plan the future

If the partner does not hesitate in making plans about the future, it means that they are ready to live together for a long time. This is a green flag in a relationship.

They respect personal boundaries

Creating boundaries in a relationship means letting the other person know what is okay for them and what is not. These can be physical boundaries, emotional boundaries and even financial boundaries. A Green Flag partner always respects these boundaries.

They give personal space

When your partner gives you personal space and freedom, it shows his progressive mindset in the relationship. This is a green flag in the relationship.

They listen to you patiently

If your partner listens to all your thoughts and problems patiently. He doesn’t judge you for your problems, rather he tries to understand you, so this is a green flag in the relationship.

they understand the needs

When your partner is sensitive to your needs, then understand that you are dating a green flag person.

They respect your point of view

A caring partner always has respect for your decisions and ideas. He never argues with you about these things. He also sees the relationship from your perspective.

Red flag signs in relationship

Red flags are behaviors that indicate you are in an unhealthy relationship. This becomes visible in the partner over time. The biggest red flag in a relationship is lack of trust in the partner. Apart from this, there are some things which indicate red flags. Understand this from the graphic below-

Relationship counselor Dr. Geetanjali Sharma tells that one should be cautious with the partner if the above red flags are seen. This can cause bitterness in relationships. There may be a fight with your partner, which may even end the relationship. These red flags indicate uncomfortable behavior of the partner.

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