Redmi 14C 5G Sale Price in India
The sale of Redmi 14C 5G has started in India. Apart from the company’s official website, the phone is also available on online platforms like AAmazon Can also be purchased from Adi.
Redmi 14C 5G comes in India for Rs 9999 in a starting variant of 4GB RAM, 64GB storage. The 4GB RAM, 128GB storage variant of the phone comes for Rs 10,999. At the same time, the top variant with 6GB RAM, 128GB storage comes for Rs 11,999. The phone can be purchased in shades like Stardust Purple, Stargaze Black, Starlight Blue.
Redmi 14C 5G Discount Offer
Redmi 14C 5G can be purchased on Amazon for Rs 9,999 for the base variant. For Amazon Prime members, 5% cashback offer is being offered on purchases made through Amazon Pay ICICI Bank credit card, which reduces the price of the phone even further.
Redmi 14C 5G Specifications
Redmi 14C 5G has a 6.88 inch HD + display. The phone has a refresh rate of 120Hz and peak brightness is up to 600 nits. Redmi 14C 5G has Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 processor. Adreno 613 GPU is available with it. The phone has a 50 megapixel primary camera. There is also a secondary sensor. It has an 8 megapixel front camera. It has a 5160 mAh battery, which supports 18 Watt fast charging.
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