5 minutes agoAuthor: Shivakant Shukla
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Relationships give us love, support and happiness. But they are also very delicate. It is very important to preserve them. However, sometimes small things cause cracks in relationships and they come to the verge of breaking. There can be many reasons for this. Such as cheating, jealousy, distance and some bad habits.
Famous American writer Dr. Gary Chapman has written a book on Human Relationships, which is included in the New York Times bestseller list. The name of this book is ‘Five Love Languages: The Secret to a Love that Lasts’. In this book, Chapman has told about the five languages of love. This includes giving love and praise through positive words, doing something for your partner that makes him or her happy, giving gifts, spending quality time together, and physical touch. According to Dr. Gary Chapman’s research, 85% of relationships fail due to lack of communication.
so today relationship In the column, we will talk about some such behavior patterns, due to which relationships can get spoiled. We will also know how this can be avoided?
First of all, let us know through graphic what are those behaviors which affect our relationship with our partner.

lack of communication in relationship
Communication is the key to a healthy relationship. We have been hearing this for a long time. But still many people do not give priority to talking to their partner. In this era of digital devices, people remain lost in their mobile phones all the time. Due to this, real life relationships are left behind. In such a situation, misunderstandings may arise in the couple’s relationship. However, even in such a situation, communication plays an important role. If we do not talk to our partner, problems will persist and resentment will increase.
Famous American psychologist, professor and writer Dr. John M. Gottman has done research on about 40,000 couples in the last 30 years. After this research, he said that poor communication was the main reason for the breakup.

Lack of empathy or sympathy in relationship
We are right, our partner is wrong; We are doing everything in the relationship, getting nothing in return. It is very easy to realize this. But when we are unable to understand our partner’s point of view, they feel that they are not being heard. This increases the communication gap and causes distance in the relationship. In such a situation, it is important to show sympathy towards the partner. Lack of empathy in a relationship can affect the mental health and happiness of both individuals.

always criticizing partner
We hate our own criticism. But still sometimes we cannot stop ourselves from doing this with our partner. Keep in mind that criticism never inspires a person to change. Instead it angers and upsets them. If you’re overly critical, think deeply about where it comes from. Try to control it gradually.
don’t look as you are
It is not right at all to show off in a relationship. If we feel the need to do this, ask ourselves why. Do you think your partner will get angry with you? Are you trying to present yourself a certain way or are you afraid that your real face isn’t that good? Always present yourself to your partner as you are.
lack of respect in relationship
It is very important to respect each other in a relationship. A relationship where there is no respect does not last long. If you can’t respect your partner then you should ask yourself why. Do you think he is stupid? If it is really so then why are you with him. Making fun of your partner and satirizing him works as poison in the relationship. Due to this you do not see any positive quality in your partner.
being insecure in a relationship
Relationship insecurity means that we are unsure about our relationship. It is a belief that we are not the best for our partner. It makes you feel anxious. Some of its symptoms are-
- You may feel jealous of other people involved in your partner’s life.
- You may keep a constant eye on your partner or wonder whether he is cheating on you.
- It may be that you do not trust your partner to always be faithful.
- To save your partner from getting angry, you can apologize for small things.
In such a situation, when your partner says or does something that hurts, then it is important to know why he is saying or doing so. If you don’t control your insecurities, they can really ruin a relationship. So check yourself and see where your emotions are really coming from.

Expecting everything from your partner
Partners in relationships are often dependent on each other. They expect their partner to fulfill all their needs. However, sometimes it hurts when this expectation is not fulfilled. Therefore, consider your partner’s feelings, accept them and keep the needs of the relationship at the top.
Avoid talking about important topics
Happy couples are not those who never fight with each other. Rather, they are the ones who don’t fight dirty. Debate can actually be healthy. This is a chance to grow as a couple, but only if you use it to reach a solution. If you have a problem, ignoring it won’t change anything. This will only increase resentment between you. This will spoil your relationship. Therefore, definitely talk to each other about your problems.
Make some changes in yourself for a happy relationship
To have a happy relationship with our partner, we need to make some changes in ourselves. For this see the graphic below-