New Delhi. Recently, Salman Khan had shared with fans that he got injured during the shooting of a film. Two of his ribs are broken. Recently, a video of him has surfaced, after which fans are getting worried for him. After seeing him in the video, it seems that he is still troubled by the pain of the rib injury. Actually, the atmosphere in the house was of Ganesh Visarjan. There was arrangement of drums in the house, so the superstar was also dancing. Then suddenly he held his injured ribs, after seeing which the fans got worried.
Looking at Salman Khan’s expressions, it seems that the dance has brought back his pain. Despite the injury and pain, Salman was in full spirit. He was seen dancing with his family members and even participating in the Visarjan Aarti. Before bidding farewell to Bappa, he also whispered a secret wish in his ear.
The immersion was done by Salman’s brother-in-law and actor Ayush Sharma. Salman has shared this video, in the caption of which he has written, ‘Happy Ganesh Chaturthi.’ Salman did the eco-friendly immersion of Ganesh ji by making a small pond at home so that there is no garbage on the sea shore.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) September 9, 2024