Shopping Tips For Men Keep These Things In Mind While Buying Shirt – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Shopping Tips For Men Keep These Things In Mind While Buying Shirt - Amar Ujala Hindi News Live
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Shopping Tips: Whenever girls go to buy clothes, they already have everything clear in their minds about what kind of clothes they want, how should be its fitting, what should be its colour. This is the reason why girls look beautiful in any event. Whereas boys do not pay much attention while shopping. In such a situation, this article is only for boys.

Here we are going to tell you some tips, by following which you can look stylish and handsome. Shirts and T-shirts play a big role in making your look handsome. In such a situation, if you are going to buy a shirt for yourself, then keep some things in mind. Otherwise your look may look bad.

size is right

If you are going to buy a shirt, take special care of your size. First, take proper measurements of your body. Especially of shoulders, chest, and waist. It is important that the shirt fits correctly, so that it is neither too tight nor too loose.

correct length

If the length of the shirt is not right, you will have trouble tucking it in your pants. Keep in mind that if you buy a shirt that is too long, it will make your pants look thick, which can ruin your look. If it is short, you cannot tuck it in.

Choose the fabric correctly

Choose the fabric of the shirt according to the season. For example, choose light and breathable fabrics (such as cotton or linen) in summer. Whereas heavy and warm fabrics (such as wool or fleece) are suitable in winter.

take care of the pattern

The pattern of your shirt should be according to your personality and the occasion. For example, light coloured shirts are good for formal events. Checked, striped, or printed shirts also look good for casuals.

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