New Delhi: Shraddha Kapoor is known for her beauty, strong acting and different talents. Recently, in a new interview with Screen, the actress’ co-actor Abhishek Banerjee shared a funny story about one of her new talents. Abhishek told that once during the shooting of ‘Stree’ the camera malfunctioned. Everyone was sitting idle on the set. At that time, Shraddha entertained everyone by speaking in different languages and accents.
Abhishek further said, ‘Shraddha spoke in such a different manner that the entire crew burst out laughing. We all were surprised that the actress can do this also. Later, this talent of Shraddha came in front of people and she got a lot of praise.
woman and her success
Amar Kaushik’s ‘Stree’ was a horror-comedy film starring Shraddha Kapoor, Rajkummar Rao, Abhishek Banerjee, Aparshakti Khurana and Pankaj Tripathi. Its sequel ‘Stree 2’ was released in 2024, which created a stir at the box office. This film became one of the highest grossing films. Shraddha’s brilliant acting and her funny style became a major reason for this success.
Earnings of ‘Stree 2’
The film has grossed more than ₹874.58 crore worldwide. According to the media, it has become the third highest grossing Indian film of all time. Apart from this, it has also become the biggest Hindi film of 2024 and the sixth highest grossing Hindi film. It has become the 11th highest grossing film of the Indian film industry.
‘Stree 2’ is a horror-comedy film, which will be released in 2024. This film is the sequel of ‘Stree’ and people liked it very much. The film has big stars like Rajkumar Rao, Shraddha Kapoor, Abhishek Banerjee and Pankaj Tripathi. ‘Stree 2’ did very well not only in India but also abroad. There is a wonderful mixture of fear and laughter in the story of the film, which gives people a scary experience along with laughter. The film broke records at the box office and made its place in the hearts of people for many months.
Tags: Abhishek Banerjee, bollywood news, Entertainment, shraddha kapoor
FIRST PUBLISHED: January 8, 2025, 10:47 IST