New Delhi. The most awaited film of the year 2024 ‘Singham Again’ has hit the theaters today i.e. on 1st November. In this, Ajay Devgan has once again stolen the show by playing the character of Bajirao Singham. As soon as it was released, the film became a hit in the theaters and has also received excellent reviews from critics. Meanwhile, the first day earning figures of the film have been revealed. Let us tell you how much business Ajay Devgan’s ‘Singham Again’ can do on the first day.
According to Sacnilk, 5,12,545 tickets of ‘Singham Again’ were sold on the first day of advance booking, resulting in a business of Rs 15.7 crore. At the same time, with block seats, the film has earned a total of Rs 18.69 crore in advance booking even before its release. Now let us know how much ‘Singham Again’ has earned so far after its release.