Winter Skin Care Tips: As soon as the winter season begins, people have to face many problems. The biggest problem among these problems is dry skin. Due to cold winds and change in weather, people’s skin starts becoming very dry, due to which it starts looking lifeless within a few days.
If you do not want this to happen to you, then take special care of your skin from the beginning of winter. By taking special care of your skin, you can maintain its moisture. Here we are going to tell you about five such things, which will help in keeping your skin moisturized, nourished and glowing in winter.
You will easily get all these things at home. तो बस एक बार पैच टेस्ट करें और फिर अपनी त्वचा की नमी बरकरार रखें।
coconut oil
Coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer for the skin. It penetrates deep into the skin and maintains moisture. इसे नहाने के बाद हल्के गीले शरीर पर लगाएं, जिससे त्वचा मुलायम और चमकदार बनेगी।
shea butter
यदि आपके पास शिया बटर उप्लब्ध है तो इसका इस्तेमाल करें। ये विटामिन A और E से भरपूर होता है, जो त्वचा को गहराई से पोषण देता है। It locks the moisture of the skin and prevents dryness.
Aloe vera gel
Aloe vera gel is available in every house. इस में प्राकृतिक हाइड्रेटिंग गुण होते हैं, जो त्वचा को सर्दियों में नमी प्रदान करते हैं। Therefore use it every day before sleeping.
Glycerine is very useful for maintaining moisture in the skin. It penetrates into the outer layer of the skin and protects it from dryness. Applying it mixed with moisturizer forms a protective layer on the skin.