There can be many reasons why the face looks dry after makeup, such as lack of moisture in the skin, use of wrong products, or not adopting the correct makeup technique. In such a situation, you should correct this dryness of the skin at the right time. Otherwise it will increase and bother you. Due to this, today we are going to tell you about some things, using which will remove dryness from your face.
It often happens that due to excessive makeup the face becomes very dry. For dry skin, it is important to use a good moisturizer. After washing your face, use a good moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated. For this, choose a moisturizer made of glycerin and hyaluronic acid.
If you do not want to apply Neem face pack, then mix honey and curd and apply it on the face. It provides moisture to the skin and makes it soft. There are elements found in honey that will help you in softening your skin.
Spraying rose water on the face cools the skin and reduces dryness. It is a good natural toner. This will make your skin glow even in winter season.