{“_id”:”6788e592ecffd3c0a402ac92″,”slug”:”skin-care-tips-side-effects-of-using-oil-on-face-2025-01-16″,”type”:”photo-gallery” “,”status”:”publish”,”title_hn”:”Skin Care Tips: Apply oil on face in winter? Know its disadvantages before using”,”category”:{“title”:”Beauty tips”,” title_hn”:”Beauty tips”,”slug”:”beauty-tips”}}
If you apply oil on your face during winter season, be careful. Here we are going to tell you about the disadvantages of applying oil on the face.

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Do you apply oil on your face in winter? – Photo : iStock
If you apply oil on the face, it causes many problems on the face. Many people are not even aware of these disadvantages. This is the reason why today we are going to tell you the disadvantages of applying oil on the face, so that you also know about it before using it and then use it only after thinking.

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Danger of acne and pimples on the skin – Photo : Adobe stock
If your skin is oily and you apply excess oil, it can cause clogged pores. Clogged pores allow bacteria to grow, which can lead to pimples and acne. In such a situation, people with oily skin should avoid using oil on the face.

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Skin irritation and allergy – Photo : Adobe stock
Not all oils are suitable for your skin. Some oils, such as coconut oil or mustard oil, may cause allergies or irritation on sensitive skin. In such a situation, there is a risk of allergy by using oil without testing.

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Danger of pigmentation – Photo : Adobe stock
Applying wrong type of oil can cause dark spots on the skin. Especially if the oil is exposed to sunlight, it can cause pigmentation. Therefore, try not to apply oil on the face.

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Stickiness on the skin – Photo : Adobe stock
Applying excessive amounts of oil can make the skin look sticky and unclean. It attracts dust and dirt, increasing the risk of skin infections.