24 minutes agoAuthor: Sandeep Singh
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You You must have seen such people around them, who snore in sleep. It is quite common to snore. Some people have a habit of snoring in sleep.
According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), around 24% adult women and 40% adult men all over the world snore. It is not that snoring is just the problem of adults. Children also have problems with snoring.
Usually there is a belief that if a person snore while sleeping, he gets good sleep. While this is not the case at all. Snoring can be a sign of an incoming serious disease. Therefore, it is necessary to identify it in time.
So let’s today News of the need I will talk about why people snore? Will also know that-
- What diseases can be snoring?
- How can this problem be overcome?
Expert: Dr. Animesh Arya, Director, Interventional Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine, Shri Balaji Action Medical Institute, Delhi
Question- Why do snoring come? answer- Our muscles relax during sleep. During this time, many times the muscles of the area behind the nose (nasopharynx) and the back of the mouth shrink.
Due to this, there is not enough space to breathe. This causes soft tissue and muscles to be vibrated with voice during breathing, which causes snoring. In easy language, it is not a disease. This is just a voice, which is caused by obstruction in breath during sleep.
Understand the graphic below how many people are affected in the world.

Question- Which people have more problems of snoring. answer- The problem of snoring may occur to a person of any age, but some people are more at risk. Such as-
- People between the ages of 40 and 60.
- People suffering from obesity problems.
- People suffering from nose and throat problems.
- People smoking or drinking alcohol.
- People suffering from insomnia.

Question- Is snoring a sign of any disease? answer- Taking too much snoring in sleep means that the body is not getting sufficient amount of oxygen. Also, disturbances in the nervous system of the body can also bring snoring. People who snore may also have sleep apnea. During this time, muscles become so relaxed that they cause obstruction in the respiratory tract. Apart from this, snoring also indicates heart disease.
Understand from the graphic below that there may be a sign of snoring and which diseases.

Question- How dangerous is it to stop with snoring? answer- If a person gets up suddenly from sleep with snoring or is suddenly shocked, it can be a sign of sleep apnea. In this, the supply of oxygen in the body starts decreasing. This increases the risk of serious diseases like heart attack, stroke and high blood pressure.
Question- Can the problem of snoring be overcome? answer- If a person snore at bedtime, it spoils the sleep of a person sleeping not only for his health but also. Therefore it is necessary to get rid of this problem. Pulmonologist Dr. Animesh Arya has given some ways to get rid of snoring. Look at it in the graphic below-

Question- What is the difference between snoring and sleep apnea? answer- If a person is snoring and is not having a problem of breathing, then this is a normal situation. This is not sleep apnea. On the other hand, if some signs are seen with snoring, then sleep apnea can occur. Such as-
- Breathing or suffocating at bedtime.
- After getting up in the morning, there is a headache for some time.
- Waking up again and again due to breathing during sleep.
- The sound of snoring is loud than normal.
- Felt dry mouth or throat after waking up in the morning.
Question- Can anyone die due to sleep apnea- Dr. Animesh Arya says that there may be a lack of oxygen in the body due to breathing at bedtime. This can have a serious effect on the heart, brain and other organs. During sleep, there is pressure on the heart due to low oxygen level in the body.
In this case, the risk of heart attack and brain stroke increases manifold in sleep apnea patients. If it is not treated on time, it can also be fatal.
Question- If you are breathing with snoring while sleeping, then a doctor should be seen? answer- If a person’s sleep is breaking with snoring, he should see a doctor immediately. For this, doctors perform a sleep test. It is seen by putting a machine at bedtime at night, how many times the person’s sleep is breaking. When has the supply of oxygen in his body reduced. When has the level of carbon dioxide increased. Treatment is done according to the result of this test.
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