New Delhi. If any Bollywood couple remains in the headlines in the year 2024, it is none other than Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal. There were rumors of their love for many years, but both of them never let anyone know. Both of them got engaged in the year 2022 itself and they gave this news after completion of two years of engagement. The couple is currently holidaying in Australia. He is continuously introducing his fans to his trips with pictures and videos. Recently Sonakshi has shared a post, in which she has shared a very wonderful video mentioning her engagement.
The ‘Lootera’ actress has now shared a video of her skydiving adventure. In this video, both can be seen holding hands and playing ‘Rock-Paper-Scissors’ in the air.
Goodbye to 2024 on the highest note
Sonakshi Sinha wrote in the caption along with the video, ‘We got engaged on 30th December 2022… 2 years later, we decided to celebrate it by jumping from a plane!!!!! Saying goodbye to 2024 on the highest note…can’t wait for what 2025 has in store for us!! happy New Year everybody!! Make it your best.
‘Rock-Paper-Scissors’ played in the air
In the video, first Zaheer Iqbal is shown jumping from the plane, after which Sonakshi is seen. During this time, there was no limit to the happiness of both of them and they were seen holding hands. After this he was seen playing ‘Rock-Paper-Scissors’. Zaheer and Sonakshi were seen screaming and enjoying the experience of skydiving.