New Delhi. Nitesh Tiwari’s ‘Ramayana’ is one of the much awaited films of Bollywood. Ranbir Kapoor will be seen in the role of Lord Ram in this film. Sai Pallavi will be seen in the role of Sita. Recently Ranbir Kapoor told that he has completed the shooting of the first part of ‘Ramayana’. Now big information has come out about the film. There was news that Sunny Deol can play the role of Hanuman in ‘Ramayana’. Now the actor himself has confirmed that he is a part of this film.
In an interview given to SCREEN, Sunny Deol told that he is working in Nitesh Tiwari’s ‘Ramayana’. He said, ‘Ramayana is a long project because they are trying to make it in the same way as the films Avatar and Planet of the Apes were made. All technicians are part of it. The writer and director know very well how to make a film and also how to present the characters. However, Sunny Deol did not give any information about his character in ‘Ramayana’.
VFX of Ramayana will be amazing
Sunny Deol told that the visuals of ‘Ramayana’ will be amazing. He said, ‘You will get to see such special effects that will make you believe that these events have actually happened, rather than making you think that these are special effects. To be honest, I am sure it is going to be amazing and everyone will love it.