Struggle Story of India's First Women Shakti Shyam Nagar Metro Station Jaipur | The mothers who run the metro with the house: Jaipur's first woman metro station, superintendent said- people used to say, how will the children take care

Struggle Story of India’s First Women Shakti Shyam Nagar Metro Station Jaipur | The mothers who run the metro with the house: Jaipur’s first woman metro station, superintendent said- people used to say, how will the children take care

Hindi newsWomenStruggle Story of India's First Women Shakti Shyam Nagar Metro Station JaipurJaipur2 hours agoAuthor: Image AwasthiCopy linkThere was a good stir at Shyam Nagar ... Read more
India Birth Rate Decline; Reasons Behind Not Becoming a Mother | Motherhood | Relationship - Birth rate in India is decreasing, population is decreasing: Why are women refusing to become mothers, what do social studies and experts say

India Birth Rate Decline; Reasons Behind Not Becoming a Mother | Motherhood | Relationship – Birth rate in India is decreasing, population is decreasing: Why are women refusing to become mothers, what do social studies and experts say

20 minutes agoAuthor: Shelly Acharyacopy linkIn the movie Deewar, Shashi Kapoor belittles Amitabh's car, bungalow and bank balance by saying, "I have a mother."Similarly, a ... Read more