New Delhi. Veteran actor Rishi Kapoor was very proud of his son Ranbir Kapoor. When he saw Ranbir’s film ‘Rockstar’, he was overjoyed. When his son Ranbir Kapoor was seen in Imtiaz Ali’s ‘Rockstar’, he could not stop praising Ranbir.
In 2011, Ranbir Kapoor appeared in Imtiaz Ali’s ‘Rockstar’. He played the role of a lover in this film. This film proved to be a boon for Ranbir’s career. His film and its songs were well liked by the people as well as critics. In a recent interview, journalist Mayank Shekhar shared a heart-touching anecdote.
Rishi Kapoor was extremely happy
During an interview with ‘Sit with Hit List’, Mayank Shekhar shared a memorable incident related to Rishi Kapoor. After the release of ‘Rockstar’, Rishi Kapoor called Mayank not once but thrice. In this conversation, Rishi Kapoor said that he is proud of Ranbir. I read your review of ‘Rockstar’. In this call, Rishi Kapoor was overjoyed to hear Ranbir’s praise.
When Rishi Kapoor said- ‘The son is mine’
Mayank Shekhar had mentioned the review of ‘Rockstar’ directed by Imtiaz Ali. During this, Mayank had told how after reading the review of Rockstar, Rishi Kapoor had called him not once or twice but three times and Rishi Kapoor was so happy that while talking he was saying that after all, the son is mine.
Let us tell you that Rockstar, which was released in 2011, was liked by many people. The songs of this film were also liked a lot. Ranbir Kapoor did complete justice to his character in the film. This film proved to be a lifesaver for Ranbir Kapoor’s career.
Tags: Bollywood News, Entertainment news., Rishi Kapoor
FIRST PUBLISHED : August 17, 2024, 19:34 IST