Toxic relationship signs vs friend; Partner Emotional | Blackmailing | Relationship- What to do if friend is in a toxic relationship: Identify these 6 signals, learn from experts 9 ways to help

Toxic relationship signs vs friend; Partner Emotional | Blackmailing | Relationship- What to do if friend is in a toxic relationship: Identify these 6 signals, learn from experts 9 ways to help
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13 minutes agoAuthor: Shashank Shukla

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We Everyone wants to see their friends living a happy and healthy life. However, sometimes a friend of ours gets caught in a toxic relationship.

In such a situation, it becomes our responsibility to get a friend out of this toxic relationship. However, it is not so easy. Especially when the front does not know that they are in a toxic relationship.

They feel that everything is fine. They are not ready to believe that their relationship is harming their mental and emotional health.

In such a situation, we today Relationship I will know that-

  • How to recognize that friend is in a toxic relationship?
  • How to help a friend get out of a toxic relationship?
  • What to do and what not to do while helping a friend?

How to recognize that friend is in a toxic relationship?

Whether your friend is in a toxic relationship, you can identify it through some signs. Let us understand it through graphic.

Let us understand the graphic in detail.

Lack of respect: If your friend feels that he is not being respected in the relationship, is being humiliated on small things, then it is a sign of toxic relationship.

Emotional Blackmailing: In a toxic relationship, your friend can be forced to remain in a relationship by intimidating or emotionally blackmail.

Trying to control: When someone forces a relationship, it can be a sign of toxic relationship. Such as preventing friends or family from meeting, raising a dispute over a small thing, ignoring someone’s point.

Uncomfortable in communication: If your friend is afraid to say something to your partner or they feel that no one is listening to them, then it can also be a sign of toxic relationship.

Manipulation in relationship: When a person in a relationship continuously plays with the feelings, desires and decisions of another, uses it for its own advantages, it is a sign of toxic relationship.

A sense of insecurity in the relationship: Feelings such as fear, loneliness, mistrust, anxiety, sadness and stress in a relationship can also be a sign of toxic relationship.

How to explain to a friend that he is in a toxic relationship?

Does your friend know that he is in a toxic relationship? If this is not the case then you may find it a little difficult to help them. In such a situation, instead of saying this thing directly, you can explain by showing movies and through books.

If you say this directly, they can be offered, you may feel bad. At the same time, he can also say this to his partner. In such a situation, it can be even more difficult to remove them from a toxic relationship.

In such a situation, you can help them keeping in mind some things. Let us understand it through graphic.

Let us understand the graphic in detail.

First of all, win a friend’s trust

Win the friend’s trust before speaking anything about the toxic relationship to the friend. With this, they will see you as a trusted partner and will be able to listen to you and also talk about their heart.

Do not suggest

Avoid telling your friend negative things about their relationship and suggesting. Instead, ask questions about their experiences. Like, ‘You guys went to roam, how were the holidays? And did you enjoy? ‘ Or ‘How was your day?’ Asking such questions, they will get a chance to think about their relationship.

Help to observe toxic relationship

Let your friend read some books or watch movies that give information about toxic relationships. From this they can understand what is happening to them. When they start observing things themselves, they will realize and try to get out of the toxic relationship themselves.

Discuss about some signs

You can add questions with a friend about the signs of a toxic relationship. Like, you no longer talk to people, why is this so?

Give friend time

Despite all these efforts, it is possible that your friend does not accept the truth of a toxic relationship. In such a situation, give time to friend. During this time, treat them with sympathy and intelligence. Make them feel that you are with them and ready to help.

How to help get out of a toxic relationship?

If a friend is implicated in a toxic relationship, then immediate help can sometimes have an opposite effect. In such a situation, while helping the friend, take special care of what to do and what not to do.

What to do

Listen and understand: When your friend is ready to talk, first listen to them and try to understand the trouble without judge.

Check-in: Taking care of your friend, ask the general question, like ‘Are you fine?’ It will make your friend realize that you care about them.

Be patient: It takes everyone time to get out of a toxic relationship. Be patient in such a situation and when your friend asks for help, be ready for help.

Tell them that they are strong: Try to convince them that they can come out of any relationship and live a better life.

Ask for professional help: If your friend is ready, ask him to seek the help of experts.

What not to do

Do not judge: Avoid saying negative things about a friend’s partner. This can lead to defensive and refuse to seek help.

no hurries: If your friend feels hesitant to tell your trouble, do not put pressure on them. Give them time to be comfortable.

Do not ignore your mental health: It is very important to take care of yourself. If you feel mentally or emotionally tired, you will not be able to help.

Do not advise inadvertently: Do not consult in a hurry to get out of a toxic relationship. It is important that your friend feels this himself and understand what to do.

Do not emphasize: Instead of solving the problem to the friend, make them feel that they are capable of getting out of this problem.

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