Actor Vikrant Massey came to Jaipur for the promotion of his film ‘The Sabarmati Report’. During this, he talked about his film career and his experiences related to films. He said- When this film was offered to him, his family and friends refused to do it.
When I did research, I felt that I should do it. The film is ready. Now we are receiving a lot of threats. I have also lodged a police report regarding this. The theory that was spread at that time regarding the Sabarmati fire incident. He is still alive today. We are making a film to dispel those theories from people. On the change in his ideology, he said- Things keep changing with time. I have also evolved. My ideology has not changed because of this film. Read the full interview further…

Vikrant Massey tasted Dal-Bati in Jaipur.
Bhaskar: There is a dialogue in the trailer that the Central train should go through Gujarat instead of UP. The political scenario has been clearly explained in this, what is your opinion on this?
Vikrant Massey: We have not said anything in this that you do not know. We are referring to the 2002 incident. Our film narrates the journey from 2002 to 2010. We believe that many major changes took place in those last 10 years. From the perspective of politics, from the perspective of public perception, especially on the issue of Sabarmati fire. The dialogue of the film is true to some extent. You might also agree. Now the problem is that those names also came in front of you without saying anything.
Nowadays, there are more lawyers in the film industry than writers. We receive notices every other day. Now I have done a film Sector 36, which was released a few days ago. We have received 50 cases regarding this. There have been different cases not only against me but also against the entire team. Which is Sector 36 of Delhi or Noida. They have filed a case against us that you are spoiling the name of our sector. We also have to struggle with such things. Names have to be changed. Many things have to be done which should not be done. That’s why we are trying to bring an important story to you.
Bhaskar: How did it take 22 years to bring this story to light?
Vikrant Massey: This was such an incident that our social political fabric and cultural fabric got clouded overnight. This is our equivalent of 9/11. My friends who are currently in the media also believe the same. It has been 22 years since this incident. Even today those 59 people are seen as a statistic. Half the people don’t even talk about it. I can say with assurance that if you watch this film, you will get a different perspective.

As part of the film promotion, Vikrant met the media in a mall in Massey city.
I want to tell you something different about what happened in the Second World War. What happened in Germany, Russia, America. We have its data. What happened on which date? All that was taught to us in our books. Films have also been made on it. Many films have been made which have also received Oscars. Such a big accident happened in our country. We did not know about him. The sad thing is that even today the theory which was created on the ground at that time is still alive. It is regretted. Now I can’t say why it took 22 years to bring this story to light. My aim was to bring this story to light.
Bhaskar: How much information did you have about this incident before the story of the film came out? Was there any change in your ideology after doing this film?
Vikrant Massey: When this incident happened, I was 15-16 years old. You all can understand. In childhood, your parents want to protect you. When the news of that incident was played in our house. The channel was changed. At that time there was talk of riots in the news. There was talk of violence. For many years, you were not given correct information about the Sabarmati fire in the news. The news was only about riots. The international press also published the same. People came from far and wide. Told there were riots.

I am giving a disclaimer here that sometimes many things are misinterpreted. There was so much talk about that second aspect that we forgot the first aspect. Whatever information was available to me, that is, fire was set or food was being cooked, someone was smoking a cigarette or there was a short circuit, such theories reached us. When this story came to me, we were provided with a lot of research material.
We prepared the story based on the decision of the Supreme Court. We have shown in the form of a story only what the Supreme Court has said. Even after the court’s decision, the old theory still persists. We say we believe in democracy, but we are also victims of collectivism somewhere. We believe what we want to believe. No matter how many facts or truths are brought before us.

Vikrant’s film The Sabarmati Report has been directed by Jaipur’s Dheeraj Sarna.
My ideology has not changed because of this film. Human beings change with time. Whatever you were 10 years ago will not be the same today. There must have been a change. There is an English saying that change is the only constant. I travel across the country and the world. Have seen things with my own eyes. Good or bad and I know it.
I know what is the background of this question. I have given my answer. I don’t want it to happen with this film too that our conversation should not enter into political topics. I must say that I have also evolved. I don’t know what would have happened had I remained there like still water. Insects would settle on me. I am flowing water. Change must keep coming. I believe that who I am today will not be who I am after 10 years. Must keep changing.
Bhaskar: You work more on stories related to truth, what is the reason for this?
Vikrant Massey: Even today I believe that stories and films have full potential. This thing inspires people. She does entertainment. Because people from the family want to go to the cinema theater happily. We want too. Sometimes what happens is that it becomes very important to tell that story. It is important to reach the people. This is my privilege today, I am standing here in the cinema hall today. This used to be my dream. This is my reality. It is an important step for me to give something to my society and all of you, because I exist because of you. That’s why I bring a story which is your story.
Bhaskar: Is your family receiving threats after this film? Did you take advice from him before doing this film?
Vikrant Massey: There has been a miscommunication regarding the family members receiving threats. I was asked a question in the press conference in Mumbai, to which I answered. Which was misrepresented on social media. My family members are not receiving threats. I am receiving threats. In a way, it is like a Chinese game. I am being targeted. A lot is being said to me, but I have taken some decisions. No longer feeling scared. There is a feeling of lightness somewhere. There was fear earlier, when the story was being done. When recreated on 27 February. There were many problems while shooting also. We read very easily, but when we go to do it. A big problem arises. I am taking whatever steps are necessary to protect me and to protect my family. We are all doing this together.
I have a deep relationship with producer Ekta Kapoor. He is not a producer. She is also my mentor. We have also filed a complaint with the cyber police. To be honest, the fear is decreasing now. It took a lot of courage when I tried to tell this story. Now that this final story is coming. Now it is done. Everything is done. There is no problem now. Our thinking from the very first day was that those 59 people should be remembered and a true tribute should be paid to them. The role of media should be brought before the people.

I ask my family everything. Although the decision is mine alone. My parents are absolutely ordinary people. They do not have any such information. It is a very distant thing that he has anything to do with such a subject. They don’t even know what a film is. What is a script? How is it made? What is marketing? They don’t know anything, like every parent they are just proud of their son.
Talk to my wife Sheetal. When there was a discussion at home, I usually talk in brief. When he was told that a film was being made on this subject. To be honest, my wife said that you are crazy. Why are you doing this? I have some friends who are from this industry. When I asked him, he used to say why brother is getting into trouble. When later I got the research material. When I heard the story, I felt that this story should be told. Whatever Ekta Kapoor wants to say, she should say it.
When the script of this film came to me, I did not say no to the film, but discussed it with my family and friends. He said- You already take so much abuse on social media. After doing this the abuses will increase further. Miss will understand. Because this subject has been greatly misunderstood. People will say that it is favoring one or the other. Then this is speaking against a community. Like I said earlier, I still believe that the world is not so bad. Even today, humanity is there within us somewhere. In the end, I would like to say that I cannot look at that two and a half year old child, who was burnt alive, with any political or religious eyes.