New Delhi. Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut’s most awaited film ‘Emergency’ has been surrounded by controversies for the last few days. The film has not yet received the green signal from the Central Board of Certification (CBFC). Due to this, the release of the film has been postponed. This movie was going to hit the theatres on 6 September i.e. today. Kangana Ranaut has now reacted to the postponement of the release of her film ‘Emergency’.
Kangana Ranaut has posted on her Twitter handle and informed about the postponement of ‘Emergency’. Apart from this, she also told that she will announce the new release date of the film very soon. She wrote, ‘With a heavy heart, I want to tell that my directorial film Emergency has been postponed. We are still waiting to get the certificate from the censor board. The new release date will be announced very soon. Thank you for your understanding and patience.’
With a heavy heart I announce that my directorial Emergency has been postponed, we are still waiting for the certification from censor board, new release date will be announced soon, thanks for your understanding and patience.
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) September 6, 2024