New Delhi. From Amitabh Bachchan, Dharmendra, Vinod Khanna, Rajesh Khanna, Rishi Kapoor, Mithun Chakraborty, Salman Khan to Akshay Kumar, there are many such stars who have seen ups and downs in their career graph. Some stars’ career started with flop films and later they became Bollywood superstars. At the same time, there are some who climbed the ladder of success very fast, but after some time their time passed and their stardom was tarnished. But do you know that star of the 80-90s, who worked in many films one after the other and became the first choice of the makers. He won many awards. This actor, who did about 350 films in his career, gave 180 flop films and never even saw his own 200 films. The most interesting thing is that the stardom of this actor who made almost a double century of flop films was not affected at all.