New Delhi: The tension between actress Divya Khosla and veteran Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar is increasing. Actually, Divya Khosla had taken a dig at Alia Bhatt’s film ‘Jigra’ and called its collection fake. Divya had accused Alia of buying her film tickets herself. Divya Khosla’s comment on this film produced by Dharma Productions has become the reason for her conflict with Karan Johar.
A round of allegations and counter-allegations started between the two stars on Sunday 13 October. Both of them started taunting each other on their respective social media handles without taking each other’s name. Karan Johar has called Divya Khosla a fool in his Instagram story without taking her name. He wrote, ‘Staying silent is the best answer to idiots.’
(Photo courtesy: Instagram@karanjohar)
Divya Khosla Kumar accuses Karan Johar
Divya replied on her Instagram story, ‘Truth always provokes the fools who stand against it.’ Responding to Karan Johar’s post, Divya wrote in another story, ‘When you become accustomed to shamelessly stealing what is rightfully the property of others, you will always remain silent. You will have no voice, no base.
(Photo courtesy: Instagram@divyahossla)
‘Jigra’ earned Rs 4.5 crore on the first day
According to media reports, Alia’s film ‘Jigra’ had earned Rs 4.5 crore on the first day in India. However, Divya Khosla was not at all sure about the collections, as she felt that the film’s collections were made at the behest of the production house of ‘Jigra’, which is considered to be one of the leading film studios of Hindi cinema.
Tags: Alia Bhatt, Divya Khosla Kumar, karan johar
FIRST PUBLISHED: October 13, 2024, 22:13 IST